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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
fuck this and that and oh dat too!
why is life like this?! goddamn fucking shit.
I hate everything right now. fuck. why does life have to sucK?!
is there mere coincidence that "FUCK" and "SUCK" rhyme? I think's poetry babythank you!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
why is life SHIT?!
why does life have to be so un-fucking-fair?!
my day:
1.) I can't sleep all week, so I'm exhausted walking to school
2.) I almost miss the train, and then almost fall down
3.) I get to school way too early, my teacher bitches me out for not getting "my act together in January" and gives me a butt load of makeup work for math
4.) I forget to do my chem. homework, rush it, and don't undestand
5.) Nothing is ever good enough
6.) I lose the cell phone (but on the plus side, they FOUND IT! **kisses that person**)
and here's my final straw:
7.) my dad calls literally crying about how he misses me and wants me to spend the night there again. he's been taking care of me my whole life, and he misses me. HE SOBBED! it made ME cry for about 3 minutes (i generally don't cry long)
if he's moving to the ukraine, why does he give a shit where I am? he never gave a crap before, why now? and why can't I tell him NO??
everyone's life is shit. and I just can't say no. WHY?thank you!
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Monday, March 7, 2005
Here boys~!
I stay up till 1 am doing this for you, you'd best appreciate it! :) please take it, gentlemen! please!'s%20your%20Element%3F%20(GUYS%20ONLY)%20with%20pics
want an example?  #7- YOU ARE WIND! ok, I admit it, i love you. You're sensitive, and a day dreamer. no matter what, you're drawn to the sky. You will work your hardest for better things than what you're given, and are sincere in your words. People often think you are stupid and selfish, but just the opposite. They don't understand how much you need to get away
What's your Element? (GUYS ONLY) with pics brought to you by Quizilla
thank you!
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
curse u mark twain
 You are purple. What a romantic person you are. You're sentimental and forward-looking (those are opposites.). You're a sophisticated and refined--with a refind taste for chocolates and wine (yum...). Tempermental and moody, you let people know when you're angry. But other times, you just sit and sulk. Alone. When around people, you're a generous person, with insatiable needs. You're a starving artist, basically. You're enjoy getting into debates over politics and religion with people of the same intelligence of you. But you know they can never convince you otherwise, you stubborn person, you. As a unique person you are (not to mention just a tad bit eccentric...), you're well-liked by either a few people, or too many people...
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Ms. Elizabeth Bennet--quick witted and with just the touch of pride which you do not like to admit you have.
Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: which character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Elizabeth Bennet. You are really poor, so you have to marry for money, even though you want to marry for love. Very handsome men are drawn to you, but are usually hesitant to commit because of social pressures. You have very silly relatives, but you are indeed very intelligent. And, as always, you live happily ever after.
Which female Pride and Prejudice Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Yuki!
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
thank you!
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I ATE A BUG on purpose
ok, who has read "Pride and Prejudice"? because I think it is an excellent book. it's funny, and smart, and really really sweet. maybe I'm just a nerd, but it's a GOOD BOOK!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! but if you get confused by old english and "high class" sentence structure, you should not read it quickly
ok, now today was funny. me and NIGHT painted stuff. and I ate a bug so that she would do her homework right. yeah, you heard me. I ATE A BUG
something really funny happened but I forget what it was.
tennis match on tues. gonna suck. they say the girlies at the other school cheat, and stuff the balls into their bras(which I do, but I'm discreet about it)
speaking of bras...
GUYS ARE LUCKY! and to any girls not yet in one: JUST YOU WAIT.
seriously, my chest ain't all that big, but running stairs with out a sports bra...I WAS IN PAIN! but that was months ago...
I'm like Yuya from Samurai Deeper Kyo (the manga) when she said, "it's not the size that counts, it's the shape!" I should dress sluttier.
speaking of THAT! i should get a bf. I don't have to love him(physically or mentally) I just want one so my friends can stop trying to get me the hookup with their gangsta, car theiving juvenile delinquint guy-friends.
I think it's true: If i get a boyfriend, he can do ANYTHING he wants to to me, (kiss, grope, pinch, tickle, fuck, hold hands, dance) and I'd just sit there doing NOTHING. unless he hit me. He does that, I'll beat his ass four feet into the pavement. I accept no such abuse.
do you ever think about your future? I do, I worry I'll have kids before I'm outta college. doubtfully high school. but I have this "underwater" temper. I'm calm, but in a split second, I'm angry, and I break stuff. then I go back to mellow. I worry I'll hurt my kids mentally or physically. I SERIOUSLY doubt I would, but it's a slight worry.
anyway, for names, I want to call a girl:
Leve(lehveh) Tsuruko
Whinrey(win ri) Mitsue
*Tirza(tehr zah) Echo
Cynara(sainara) Airlia
and if it's a boy:
*Torn Ichise
and I'm open to more boy's names but I LOVE TORN! it's sounds so cold, but it means Good! :)
 Youre gonna be attacked by a ridiculously small animal and bleed to death
Choose your Dramatic Death (Now w/pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Spirit: You always think the best of everyone and are an empathetic person. You tend to gravitate to high spaces, changing environments, and won't confine yourself to just one style or decision. Just one job isnt of interest to you either, as your need to constantly continue evolving and growing won't allow you to settle down. Sadly, this need may also influence your social life as well. You tend to have few friends, as not many people understand you and fewer relationships because you simply outgrow them when in pursuit of a goal. However, because of people like you great things get done. You are extremely intelligent and one of the few enlightened people in this world. You see the greats and goods in this world as well as the terrible and have come to accept it as a whole. You are a delight to talk to and the few relationships you have, leave the people you attach yourself to all the better for it. You leave an impact on everyone you meet and may you continue on your path toward whatever it is you are reaching for.
What's your Element? brought to you by Quizilla
thank you!
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
hola los amigas de SASAYA!!!!!!!!! ha ha, I do SO NOT speak spanish. but I can say it in JAPANESE!
Ohayou Sasaya no TOMODACHI!!! Sarushinobi deshou!!!!!!!!! ha ha
ok the last sentence makes no sense, but you shall forever be known as my crazy Monkey Ninjas.
enter my world of fear: FISH
Angler Fish"
the scariest Coelacanth



Electric eel



Moray Eel


OK THOSE FISH ARE SCARY! BUT THEY ALL ARE! the only ones I am not afraid of are betas, aka Siamese fighting fish

now, enjoy this anime picture

which fish is ickiest?thank you!
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Friday, March 4, 2005
ok, I'm coo
ok, I visited some sites, and I am better now...mostly, I would like to thank Majosha, his posts are so true, they crack me up.
also, we watched a crackhead perverted hamster the size of a volkswagon in Japanese today. He;s sorta like Barney, but he;s been in JAIL! lol, and he got bullets shot at him. that show is crazy, it's called Buusuka(buska) after the giant hamster. maybe he's a bear or a pig or something. but he's a FREAK
thank you!
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woop, rewind, backtrack redo
ok, sorry sorry. when I said teenage girls are morons, I didn't mean all of them. just the majority of the ones I know. but it could be a boy too. so don't get all hurt, please.
honestly, right now, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE pisses me off.
ok, so back to what I was saying.
Friend A supposedly dated this guy, Boy A, but they began to hate each other. Friend B comes along, starts talking to Boy A, and finds out that Friend A really wasn't dating Boy A. Friend B then tells many secrets to Boy A. Friend A and her best friend, Friend C, get super pissed and start fighting with Friend B. Both sides are morons, end of story.
ok, and then there's friend E. She's a bitch. She talks shit behind backs, and then acts like she's so fucking perfect.
Seriously, she always says how she's not a goddamn gossip, WTF. ALWAYS I hear her saying "welll Friend C pissed me off today."
and then while talking to Friend B, I find out that Friend E has been bitching about me. AND IT PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. FUCK.
k, so I don't pay attention in math, Friend B was talking about my failing math. and then I say, "even when I listen, I don't understand what he's saying nobody does"
Friend B then says, "Well, Friend E does."
so how stupid do you think I am? I fucking know that bitch. she said, "Friend S is pissing me off. she always says about how she doesn't get it, and whines about failing, but then she never pays attention."
I have NEWS: FUCK YOU "friend" E. I don't need you talking shit about me behind my back. I don't do it to you to people who know you, and I don't constantly act like GOD.
honestly! I know I'm not perfect. I don't pay attention, I spend more time than I should in my head, I watch too much tv, I talk shit about people when I don't even know them. I know that's wrong, and I TRY to stop, but at least I don't fucking preach to everyone else about everyone else's problems and act like I'm PERFECT
ARGH!!!! I wanna kill something, I'm pissed as FUCK. shit and then the whole goddamn room is spiinning why doesnt it just sit fucking still?! I feel dizzy. this sucks.thank you!
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Gimme a break
no offense, but teenage girls are MORONS! too obsessed with boys.
ok, here's the deal: friend A supposedly went out with this guy, and they broke up months ago. Friend B talks to him, friend A bitches about it, it's warthank you!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Belgian nuns of the renaissance
oi...if you can find any flemish costumes...I'll be eternally grateful!!! i need them for a renaissance project...>< doh. dammit, can you HELP ME?! please?
oh and if you have a cell, I'm in the mood to talk. so! pm me and I'll call you maybe! I'm just so boared.
plus the guy I REALLY liked and only moderately like now came into the library to do some shit with the printer
my heart goes "flutter flutter" and then I realize all my friends are like horny dogs in heat. so whateverthank you!
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