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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
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Monday, February 28, 2005
this sounds like me...
Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angelathank you!
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Lol, today, I only went to 1 hour of tennis because I had to take the train home, and I didn't wanna walk there alone, and it just so happens that my friend Mayte takes an 8th hour, instead of 7 classes, and so she walked with me. then her bus didn't show, so we came to my house. it was funny, we saw Jero, and Harvey. Harvey is NIGHT's cat, and Jero is the outside one. Jero wouldn't come to me, dammit.
anyway, so I got home and I'm hungry as fuck. my parents had the first court date today to work out the whole mess of having my dad pay child support and custody. I think he's fucking around and manipulating, because before, he ONLY cared about the money. he bitched to my mom about that, but the custody...not a peep. only when my mom calls the cops on him because he's talkin crazy does he give a shit about me. HONESTLY! when did he EVER care about me? never. bastard.
anyway anyway, my new walls are getting downloaded! I'm so happy! i love you guys! you're THE BEST! **hugs** now VOTE
kyu. I'm working on a Saikano wall. hungry...almost dead...please enjoy these pictures

and a grand, beautiful picture depicting my alltime favorite anime couple, Ranma and Akane
thank you!
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I really should go to bed
I really should go to bed. honestly. It's almost 11. and I still need to clean a bunny cage and myself.
anyway, I just want to remind you to vote on my walls (see previous post) and to say that Hearts, Boo, and Why are all on my walls at the bottom now. I really like When and Sorry, but Sorry is the wrong format and dunno bout when. anyway, whatever you chose is good to me!
now, onto "important" (read: unimportant) business:
the best looking guys in Saiyuki.
First off is from Gaiden, it's
Kenren Taisho, the old Gojyo. He is, I must say it, SEXY! if a real guy looked like him...**shuts up.** anyway, he's lookin fly.
then it's Sanzo. he's the only one I would be a rabid fangirl for (but none as much as Shigure from furuba) and he's a blonde man whore. but he's hot. not as good as kenren. but good.
then it's gojyo. he looks nice with long hair, but when it's short, PHEW! he looks good!!! :D very nice.
anyway, gentlemen, which anime girls do you think are hot? of all the girls from anime that I've seen, I think is Myoubi from Alichino but I don't think of her as "hot" or anything. I wish I looked like her, honsetly. T.T why can't I be byootiful?! damn you.
anyway, guys! name your favorite girls for meh so I can put their pix up for you
thank you!
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
OK! I'm making wallpapers and the one that you guys like best will go on the background. you can see the full size at under my sn, Sasaya
#1: WHEN

#2: WHY

#3: BOO

#4: Sorry

#5: Hearts

PHEW! that was HARD!!!! but now I AM FINISHED~! Please vote...these are my prides and joys....I love them....yes. I do!
anyway, whichever one you vote for will be my new background, but you are free to use em if you WANT (can't see why) and all votes MUST be in by Tuesday, MARCH 1, 2005!!!
Everyone who votes will have their names put into a drawing and the winner gets to PM me with a wish(that's reasonable) and I'll try to grant it.
you can vote in comment OR PM, your choice. toodles! <3
PS look at full sizes here:
I will try to add these to theotaku, alsothank you!
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I'm tryin to redo my site's look...I really don't like blue. but it matches shigure...but...ARGH! so I'm busy busythank you!
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
 You are Ayame.
Fruits Basket Anime Quix brought to you by Quizilla
Shigure! Wow! But you had better watched out! That dude cound have his hand on your ass in a second! XD
.::Who's your Fruits Basket match? (Gurls only! [hopefully pictures soon!])::. brought to you by Quizilla
and now I'm gonna make some furuba quizzes, which are sincerely lackingthank you!
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Friday, February 25, 2005
like the new look? I LOVE that picture of shigure, and the song is one that reminds me of us... **sings it**
that pic. of tohru is funny toothank you!
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Tennis and furuba peeps
Shigure: SO! Sasaya, I hear you're taking tennis...interesting

Sasaya: what? so? what???

Shigure: well, don't you say you suck at sports?

Sasaya: I do...But tennis, when I try, I'm ok at. Plus, I learned how to serve, and I'm GOOD at that...
Shigure: Oh, I want to see...

Sasaya: ah,**gets racket and ball**throws ball**swings racket**breaks window**
Shigure: my dear, I love ya, but don't do that in the house

Yuki: yeah~~ baka

Sasaya: DAMN YOU!!!!!!!! You sound like the freshmen(no offense) idiot bitches in tennis
acting like they're all that and a bag of cookies when they're haughty BITCHES and they SUCK!

Yuki: oh, sorry...

Momiji: HEY!!!!! **runs up** hey hey hey hey!!!!! guess what, Sasaya-onee-san?!

Sasaya: yes, Momiji-chan?

Momiji: it's late! 11 p! BED TIME!
Sasaya: ah! sou desu ne! (btw, I talk to myself a lot in Japanese...BAD japanese...)

Sasaya: ok, night night!!! **grabs shigure**
~~people see nothing~~
Kyo: they're...not...
Yuki: they...are...
Touru: what? what're they doing? 
Kyo&Yuki:never mind 
Shigure: virgins, flee for your lives 
**Everyone(Sasaya included) stampedes**
Shigure: ^^poofvv**changes back** I love doing that...ha ha ha we were having a pillow fight...
Gojyou: So, you were...pretending?? 
Sanzo: YOU MORONS!!!!! 
~~~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~~~~

PS! I know, I know...I used Kagura and Hana-chan for some "me" pix, but only cuz I'm too lazy to find another, and because I actually do look sorta like them. But the buffalo pic is actually really me... :D laugh, DJ T, laugh...
ja dewa
thank you!
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
oook then TENISU
this is not to YOU guys...ok, just so you know....I'm not mad at any myO people...but....
why do some people act like they're so fucking perfect? goddamn, they know fucking EVERYTHING and then shove it in your face like, "oooh well, BLEAH"
like earlier, this girl who's my friend goes, "well, porn is anything that has nudity" she does that shit just to make herself better and make me feel dumb
don't you hate that when someone will talk a whole bunch of crap about other people and act like a complete bitch to you and act like they never do anything wrong?
seriously, she'll go on about everyone else and their shit, and be so fucking condescending..."Julie, I'm sorry~ but you don't pay attention either"
like she fucking does. and she's NOT sorry. she can ugh. I don't wanna say anything bad because she is my friend and I do want it to stay that way. but she just pisses me off sometimes/
plus, It's not like I'M perfect. I'm sure I piss her off a bunch too.
anyway....onto this shit:
Sasaya: Gah. I feel dirty
DJ T: well, you are a slut
Sasaya: T.T it's true....
DJ T: ....
Sanzo: she's not that bad.
Shigure: yeah, at least she's loyal to her four men.
Sanzo: yep. Now go get me some cigarettes 
Sasaya: I can't. I'm underage.
Kakashi: I'll go... -.-
Sasaya: **glomp** you're da bestest ninja ever!!
Sesshoumaru: whatever, I'm going off to find Naraku
Shigure: you do that.
DJ T: I need to get to know Mustang...
everyone: **STARE**
everyone: Phew....
Sasaya: anyway, my knee hurts from stupid tennis practice
Sanzo: You're in tennis?
Sasaya: Oh yeah, didn't I say? ooops
Shigure: gonna wear the miniskits? 
Kakashi: OoO intimate paradise material...can I see you in the mini?
DJ T: perverts
Sasaya: well, I was gonna wear pants under it, but.... if you want~ ;)
DJ T: I sure hope you play better in the games than you did on sunday...
Sasaya: Better than you played too
sasaya: **runs away**thank you!
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
the hair is wet...the hair is wet...@.@ yay?
anyway long time no see!!! how ya been?
I got some good news and bad news
good news: I got Saiyuki dvd 4, and Saiyuki reload Dvd 1

today. they're good, but GODDAMMIT!!!!
Oki, in Reload, they're released by a different company(Geneon) than Gensomaden(ADV) and Geneon changed their names around. Basically, everybody's new voice SUCKS. I'm not saying that because I am unaccustomed to it; it's TRUE. Goku's is all stupid high pitched, Hakkai sounds really pathetic, Dokugakuji sounds like a generic motha fucka
The only new voices I like and think fit the characters are Gojyou's and Sanzo's. They really sound good. Only problem is, the guy who did Gojyou's voice in Gensomaden is now doing Sanzo's in Reload. He sounds good, but so similar it's confusing @.@
anyway, they're still good. Ura-sai's are hilarious, and an excellent play on words (it means like...inside Saiyuki, but it sounds like "Urusai" which means obnoxious.... XD)
Bad news: Naruto has been licensed. Sounds good, right? WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're gonna put it on TOONAMI!!!!!!!! that means serious SERIOUS slicing and dicing of this wonderfully violent but sweet story. I mean, I'll still watch it, but for kid's tv, the licensers(for lack of a better word) kill the voices, and honestly, I've never seen an anime with better voices than those in Naruto. Each voice fits the character perfectly. And they're gonna kill that perfection. BASTARDS
here's the addy you can read about it
anyway, enjoy these pictures:

in Saiyuki Gaiden, doesn't Gojyou's chara. look NICE? he's hot. (I don't heart him, but he's sexy~ lol)
NIGHT's bishounen:

My bishounen:
(he's my Number 1 lover, so you can't have him! **hugs Shigure**he turns into a doggie** oops...)

hey, why are two of my bishis dogs? o.O freaky....amyway must run!thank you!
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