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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
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5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
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Friday, January 28, 2005
thanks for the help for Andrew, it turns out he was a jerk. anyway, I sincerely adore these pictures, they FUNNY!! LMAO
we made those little sumo things and played with them in Japanese Level 1. I made my a fat kitty cat and named him a word that I forgot but roughly translate to miserable. Anyway, this picture is FUNNY!:

My widdle Sanzo is alergic to kitties...T.T well, I can just get different pets...or something...SANZO! DAMN YOU FOR YOUR ALLERGIES! actually, it's like the dream I had last night where the guy I like(a real one) was allergic to my kitty, who I brought to school...T.T
thank you!
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Saiyuki quizzes part 1
yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sanzo. if only he were real...T.T if there was a guy like him, woOOOOoooo
 Cho Hakkai
Which Saiyuki Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Sanzo!
Saiyuki Personality Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 Genjo Sanzo--Work can get in the way sometimes, but be patient and he will never leave you, although he may be overly-short tempered.
Who is your Saiyuki boyfriend? brought to you by Quizilla
 Genjo Sanzo is your ideal match!!
Which is your ideal Saiyuki-boy? brought to you by Quizilla
 Genjo Sanzo. He is the right for you but then be careful when you become his wife! :P
Which Saiyuki Characters fits you? brought to you by Quizilla
 .::Genjyo Sanzo::.
Genjyo Sanzo is a tall blondie with a major attitude problem. He's a buddhist preist who smokes, drinks, swears, gambles and carries a gun. His main tool is his paper fan in which he hits idiots with. Sanzo was orphaned at a young age and teased by his kids when he was taken in by the late Genjyo Sanzo and raised. When he died, Sanzo took his place. That may explain why he's so uptight and grumpy. But hot never the less. The best girl for him would definately be a somewhat secretive and alluring girl, who may have been abused in her past which makes her understanding, patient, but stern. Sanzo, who as far the fans now, hasn't been in any relationships, so he may be tough to get to know pretty well. But the right girl could break his fortress and when she does, it will prove to Sanzo that's she's "worthy" and he would love her and protect her forever. My fave along w/ Hakkai ^^
Which Saiyuki Character Would Be Right For You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Genjo Sanzo!
Wow, you like a challenge, don't you? Sanzo would be one tough guy to win over, but once he notices you he'd want to protect you, I feel sorry for anyone who would try to get in the way of you two. He'll be dancing with bullets!
Which Saiyuki Bishi is for you? (girls only) brought to you by Quizillathank you!
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
My friend is in a really bad situation right now, and I don't want to spill her secrets or anything, but please, whatever religion you are, please pray to God that Andrew is safe, and will be ok. please, it's really importantthank you!
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
A Punx Dreamz [6:19 PM]: omg did mayte tell you what happened in 6th hour today?
Texhnolyze23 [6:19 PM]: lol
Texhnolyze23 [6:19 PM]: no, what?
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: **ish getting curious**
A Punx Dreamz [6:20 PM]: well lizley was talking about preppy, and she called mayte preppy, then kristal was all well if anyone in here is preppy its heather (me), and she had to have sonia explain to her what preppy was after the fact that she called me that
A Punx Dreamz [6:20 PM]: grr
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: O.O
A Punx Dreamz [6:20 PM]: i wanted to pull out whats left of her hair
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: that's FUCKED UP
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: THAT BITCH IS GONNA GET IT
A Punx Dreamz [6:21 PM]: then after school, i told luci, and she was asking kristal why she was talkin shit, and she was like i didnt do anything and walked away
Texhnolyze23 [6:21 PM]: did lizley and kristal not KNOW what preppy means?
A Punx Dreamz [6:21 PM]: lizley does i think
Texhnolyze23 [6:21 PM]: omg....that's madness. ha ha, Luci scared Kristal
A Punx Dreamz [6:21 PM]: kristal had to have it explained to her
Texhnolyze23 [6:22 PM]: then why did she call Mayte preppy? Kristal is a moron. she wants to be all cool and shit, but she doesn't know ANYTHING about being cool
A Punx Dreamz [6:22 PM]: i know, mayte was like well the only reason she was saying it is cos she thot it would make her cool to call me preppy
A Punx Dreamz [6:22 PM]: i dont think they know what it means, cos they both said it to me
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: ~_~
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: that's idiocy
A Punx Dreamz [6:23 PM]: exactly
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: Lizley is Freakin preppy
A Punx Dreamz [6:23 PM]: i was just like dont be surprised if i show up with a baseball bat tomorrow
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: ROFL
A Punx Dreamz [6:23 PM]: and i said that lizley was preppy and she was like no im not you are
A Punx Dreamz [6:24 PM]: *screams*
Texhnolyze23 [6:25 PM]: well, don't worry. here;s the thing about Lizley and Kristal: they think they're OH SO COOL~ and wanna be cool, and think they're all that and a bag of cookies. but they're IDIOTS. they know NOTHING about being cool. I know more than they do, ME! they're complete "posers"
A Punx Dreamz [6:25 PM]: exactly
A Punx Dreamz [6:26 PM]: kristal is like a carbon copy of any one shes come in contact with
Texhnolyze23 [6:26 PM]: LMAO
Texhnolyze23 [6:26 PM]: no, a carbon copy is a GOOD copy. she's like a bad xerox
A Punx Dreamz [6:27 PM]: yeah like the ones where the most important part has been cut off or blacked out
Texhnolyze23 [6:27 PM]: LOL
Texhnolyze23 [6:27 PM]: or has a big white streak through it
A Punx Dreamz [6:28 PM]: yeah
Ok in case you're a little confused, Lizley USED to be my friend, but we started fighting and she got very annoying. she's like the stupid sports girl trying to be feminine
and Kristal was never my friend, and I don't know anybody who really likes her. she seriously thinks she's cool, and she always sucks up to us "middle" kids, who aren't UNcool, but aren't butt popular, either. we just want her to shut up.
and me and my group of friends are seriously the most Anti-social, unpreppy, punk-goth, vicious bitches in the school. when you add the guys in, we're even more unpreppy, but a little more attention seeking. Heather is the punkiest of us all. Mayte is quiet, but's madness
anyway, enjoy Sanzo <3 (for those of you who don't know, <3 is a heart)

**whistles** if only he were real...<3<3<3 I'd find a way to make him MINE...and f'ck him. :D ha ha. not really...>.> or would I? dun dun dun
want the answer? I would if I was old enough and could trick him into marrying me. which would not happen, so I would NOT!! :-Pthank you!
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gah, the monkey robbers got meh!
hi guys. wassup?
well, with me, not too much. my shrink has a daughter about my age who looks preppy as hell. and i like Saiyuki, no thanks to NIGHT, but the best character is Sanzo <3
um, I have a new computer, it's the most beautiful thing. I LOVE IT! I named it Xania :-P lol.
my friend and I are friends again. she was not mad at me, just shy.
and I'm freakin scared, I don't want to go to my dad's house. I dont want to see him. My mom is going to confront him about his moving to the Ukraine. and tell him about the court thing. shit, I'm scared he'll get mad at me. my dad is fucking scary when he's mad. he might not feed me, get me to school, beat me up, I don't know, but I'm scared/
Now, never you mind that, if soemthing happens, I'll tell you! let's enjoy some BISHOUNEN! pictures <3

i love those guys. shut up NIGHT!! SHUT IT I DON"T CARE ABOUT SANZO VERY MUCHthank you!
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
yo yall my drugged up ninjas! :-P anyway, go to WindTunnelMaster2's site, he's on my friend's list. my gosh, he does some awesome artwork...@.@
who likes bad religion? I have the Process of Belief cd, and I really like it. it's so...revolutionary? it gives me an idea for a story. :) plus, the Kyoto Now song, is talking about the Kyoto Protocol, I think...but Broken is one of my fave songs on the diskthank you!
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Friday, January 21, 2005
my new doo
ok, here's my new pink/red color. in the first pic, I blanked out my face because it looked REALLY bad. it was just after I'd gotten up, so...yeah. and the second, my hair is wet. so when it's dry, the hair color is much more vibrant...oh, and the kitty is my baby boy Pickle **heart heart**
thank you!
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Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
October Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn'tpretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.
meow. so, hiya minna san! Hopefully tonight I will get up a pic. of my hair. It'll be polaroid, so it'll suck, but it'll be there
anyway, I went to my physician, and she kept saying about my..."sexual activity" i was just finally like, "I"M NOT A SLUT, YOU MORONS!"
anyway, friends still mean, but not you guys. one still thinks I'm stupid, and I guess she;s right. I just don't want to give up trying.
LMAO~! there's this freshmen I'll call "Gerd" (geek+nerd=gerd) and he's always been a little strange, but he coped a feel on my 'friend' Dave's ass, so Dave beat him up. lmao!
geez. I dont know what else to say, so I'll say my fave one: ANYWAY!
HOW;S your weekend lookin?thank you!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
hi minna
hi friends of Sasaya! lol.
anyway, I'm glad YOU guys care...T.T I love you so much!
ok, so I have to go see a shrink because of my depression/suicidal tendencies/ psycho problem that thinking that nothing is real/abandoment issues.
so. yeah. anyway, I was gonna say something, but I forgot what it was. I didn't do my homework/
I'll get pix of my hair up soon. Maybe friday or something...a picture of me is at my username is Sasaya, and the picture is under scraps. it's called mesha
anywho. How is everyone out there? you know I love ya, right?thank you!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
who knows what the subject means? I don't. I just typed something random.
SO! Last night, I dyed my hair bright red. it looks sorta hot pink. and then, i come to school to find out that my friend's is the exact(almost...) same as mine. but people keep saying mine looks better. in someways, it is true, but not really...
and my friends suck. one doesn't even talk to me. omg. I give up, i don't want to be her friend anymore. well, I do. but i had the sincere urge to punch her in her fucking preppy ass face. she used t o be all cool and sorta punk. plain jane, like me. but she looks like a whore now, with all her make up and purses and preppy-ness. maybe she can't help it. but it drives me insane.
anyway, SORRY NIGHT! I broke into her account to tell people why she might not be around. don't worry, I'll make it up to you, T!
welll, gotta go see a bunch of shrinks. which sucks ass. if you care, ask why. if you don't, like most people, just smile and say, "OK"thank you!
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