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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
hiya i am at NIGHT aka DeeJay T's's pretty fun...except we're putting up the christmas tree and i don't know how very good. and yeah. i've got homework to do...>.>thank you!
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Friday, December 3, 2004
skdfh;a dkwa poawlmclodwia sj animpr
hiiiiiiiiiiiii my throat is hurty. and i is bossing DeeJay T around. HA! take that you patronizing witch!!!!! nNOOO i'm sorry you helped me so much.................................. thank you!!!!!!! im so insincere but not as much as the fat guy with an afro
did you know that if you shit and don't flush it, it turns greenish blue? yup it's true. I saw it with a skinny bitches eyes. h\
kdfhjlsk juslkd
take that!!!! americans are crazy, ne? not like Canadians...**laughs** poor Canada...the butt of so many cruel jokesthank you!
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
pwettythank you!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
I is sick
meh. i feel icky. i wanna go home. I have homework to do. nah, I'll copy Jackie...sorry,.....u.u;;; nyew...she said no, basically, but I always let her copy. >:(
i hate that, how I'm always the one left out. I mean, I'm ok, but it's kinda lonely being the only one who either doesn't speak spansih, and then, there's 5 of us, and people pair up. and I'm always the odd one out. If i tried, i wouldn;t have to be, but...I dunno. I'm just like that. I won't complain to someone's face. and also, from here on out, I'm not going to whine about anything, unless it's reallly REALLY bothing me.
llike yesterday, went to the middle school to recruit eighth graders for our progrram...some were kinda cute, but I mean...damn...MOST were so RUDE!!!!!!! like, no offense to eighth graders and younger out there, but if you think you're funny, you think you're cool, you think you're all that and a bag of cookies, it's all in your head!!!! older kids look at you and say, "what the hell are they doing? that's so stupid and immature..."
for example, this kid went behind the teacher and made faces. I rolled my eyes at him, and he stopped. it was ridiculous how immature they were.
anyway. it wound up done. I saw a girl with cuts on her arms, acting like she was the only one. I was like, no...I wanted to talk to her, but I didn't
anyway bell rung, g2gthank you!
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
yay for kitties
ha! Deejay T! look at MY picture:

ha ha ha ha ha...
lolthank you!
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 Careless Girl:
It won't make difference 4 u, but u're a careless girl... egocentric and annoyed, you're kinda gothic but, admit it, some special people can break your ice, huh?! Cool off, kid, and enjoy life 'cause it's short!
What's your anime-girl steriotype?! brought to you by Quizilla
woah, how did it know that?? it's sorta true....O.O and none of the answers I chose seemed to fit that....freaky...
 I:Your Beauty lies
in Sadness. Lonely, depressed and feeling broken. For whatever reason, you see
this world only for the bad that it holds carrying the burdens of yourself and
others. Some people like to be with you and your unique vantage point when they
are down, you are someone who can sympathize with them. But you find yourself
alone again when they seem to find a solution and are happy again, yet you still
are stuck in this rut. Do not worry, you will make it out at some time. Everyone
does, if you try. When you are seen all others want to do is make your pain go
away, but that is something only you can do. You probably keep to yourself a lot
and don't like to let people in, afraid to be hurt again. You feel empty and
helpless and your looks reflect that, often seen with tears in your eyes.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Dark, Earth Animal: Robin Color: Grays, Blacks, Dark
Colors Song: Tourniquet by Evanescence Expression:
Tearful Frown
Aquamarine Mythological Creature: Spirit, Gargoyle Sign:
Aries Planet: Mercury Hair Color: Blue-Black Eye Color:
"Am I too lost to be saved?"
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
heh heh heh. not all that true. maybe the daydream one was more true...
thank you!
Comments (2) |
what was that?
BOO!!!!!!!!!! Happy Takes-giving day!!!!!!!!!!! >.> honestly, I HATE "thanksgiving" day, except that I get to go over to Deejay T aka NIGHT's house. I remember a couple years ago (at least 3) our mad rush after supper to find anything that could be inhaled to get high. we were so strange, we were smelling her brother's NASTY cologne. ha ha. days of our youth.
anyway, if you're wondering about the story, L'espoir Chante Eternal, I'll get some more chapters up sooner or later, but probably later, because, well, let's face it, I'm lazy. plus I want to write another to maybe be published first. i'll probably have bits and pieces up...
OH YEAH. I've been reading Animorphs like crazy for some reason. From 4th-6th grade, I was OBSESSED with them. now I read them, and it's like, "woah, that's lame." and "do teenagers REALLY talk like that? no...morons" but still, I Get all nostalgic and sad and crap, because the girl Rachel dies. Why did the freakin author make her DIE? and why couldn't what's his face...Ellimist...bring her back to life so poor Tobias (my favorite character) could have his fuck buddy back, and not be a grouchy old man hermit hawk....
man. this is depressing. plus. how their relationships all deteriorated...that was just as depressing. seriously, this stuff is in my bones. It bothers me....I'm so depressed now....or well, sad....not the usual unhappiness, anyway.
isn't this sad? i cry for books (I cried about 3 tears when the series ended 4 years ago) but not my family who died. sigh....thank you!
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
this are two letters I got from people at camp in my care bag:
"Julie, you are beautiful. You said that you are dead inside, but I don't believe you. Behind your straight face I can see the fire that burns inside you. when you smile and let down your guard, life pours out of you. God is using you - He has great things in store. Have faith andbe strong. ~ Rebecca"
that lady was a councelor who pissed me off before the letter. I like it, but it's also very...cheesy. like a movie or something. I don't trust the intention of her. she's too concieted.
this one, though:
"Julie- you are a very wise person and have a lot of good things to say so don't be afraid to say them. remember there is always hope. You always have hope so don't give up on that. Love, Thomas"
that guy was SOOOO nice. seriously, I don't think I've met anyone as nice as him. when we were doing the trust games (which I didn't do because I don't and didn't trust anyone there, but htey were fun) and our group was catching people who fell, I was paired up with the "weakest link" because I wasn't strong, but I was strong enough to do some of his work.
some big guy fell, and I was next to Thomas. Aaron and I got more weight than we expected, so we were like "WOAH" and I had to go way down not to drop the guy. I wasn't talking at that time, but I muttered, "ow." and Thomas is like, "are you ok? are you ok?" I nodded. heh. he was the ONLY nice guy there. I hope he comes next year, because seriously, everyone at camp was a jerk. well, about 3 girls were nice, and the one I knew was pretty nice. but the rest- UGH! and also
the director, Jeff, insists on calling himself 'preacher jeff' even though he's not our preacher. that guy was full of SHIT. I'd told my mom that some people said racist things about Mexicans, and my mom was trying to tell him ,a nd he said, "well, it's going to happen. we can't stop it. Anyway, at regan's funeral, they're going to say good stuff about him, I just know it." and then he listed all of regan's mistakes. It's like wtf? of course they're not going to say bad things about a dead person! that's bad luck, and they can't defend themselves/
that guy seriously pissed me off. my mom worked harder than just about everyone, because she was nurse and a cook. nobody listened to her about their medicine, or authority. they treated her like CRAP.
I found out at the end, though. and I was SOOO FUCKING mad, I was crying, but growling. people were like, "what's wrong with her?" uuUUuu. morons, I was mad enough that IT was coming out. (it is the scary, violent, malicious thing that comes out when I get really mad. rageful. it's scary) anyway, IT was coming out, and I was ready to fight anyone and everyone who was disrespectful to and made my mom CRY. i was so mad, I broke a metal chair. they shut me up in the cabin for a few minutes to calm me down, and I was screaming. they barely managed to stop me from cussing out the director and everyone else. I was using the F word everyother word. it was scary...
anyway, this is why you should not incur my wrath. and why i was pissed at camp. I'm volatile, just have enough control to stay fairly calm.
stupid people. but not you. unless you were there. then, I probably am still grudgefull against you.thank you!
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me is shleepy
my favorite kind of music is gothic music. i like Persephone the best...but current 93 is good too...T.T and about a mazillion more too....
it sucks that NONE of the stores around here though sell that type of music. i was so sad...I wish I oculd shop online.
what's up?thank you!
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
hiya, not much to say, but my friend got asked out by this dude, and it was like...woah...just weird for her. and they would make a sorta...ugly(no offense to him) couple because my friend is pretty and he looks like a monkey and not the cute kind!!! but she doesn't like him like that, so whatever..haha
and, PLEASE CHECK OUT AND COMMNET ON MY ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to get Cynara from my story up soon, so take a gander at her. it's prettyness!
and I love ya all about this much! | | which is a lot...>< so yeah,
OH! and my nickname is Julala, so I sometimes say i'm in Julaland
and my country is UadaWadaKumbayada. the capital is HaraKaraMada. the language is Udanudakudabuda...XDthank you!
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