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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
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Sunday, August 15, 2004
My pet-pet from online! and a warning!
well, here it is!! My adopted online pet! cute, huh!
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
quizzes of today!
 which ninja was I?! What Dragon-Half Character Are You? that's my dragon half character!thank you!
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the quiz! Samurai Deeper Kyo
the results of the Samurai Deeper Kyo character quiz! I am Akira! here:
 Which of the Samurai Deeper Kyo Cast Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
is it good? it's very true of me...thank you!
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Friday, August 13, 2004
heyo, to the nobody who reads this. although, maybe my friends will soon! (I have 2! horray for me!)
anyway, I was in nevada with one of my friends, best friends, for a little over a week. it was fun, tho at times it seemed to me like we were a little tense. oh well. I'm back now!
I hadn't cut for about 2 weeks, but then, I saw my mom had got me clothes **enter dooooom music and lights** they are UGLY! they are in the pants style where it just goes straight. I HATE THAT! and they loook like old lady pants. It just upset me, and I was cutting again. stupid ugly clothes. I CAN"T WEAR THEM! THEY MUST BE BURNED! I HATE THEM! FUCK THE PANTS!!!!!!! STUPID FUCKING UGLY ASS CLOTHES! God, CAN"T MY MOTHER REMEMBER WHEN I HATE SOMETHING?! WHATTA---ugh. I mean, I know she was thinking of me and all, and it's the thought that counts, but I HATE THEM! I would be ashamed to wear them if I was in a cave alone where no one could see. I hate them, they are so ugly. no fucking way those shits could look good on me!
**is pissed about the pants**
ugh, and then I was trying to take a nap today, when I hear this noise, like a girl screaming. I look out the window, and what do I see, but my idiot dog killing a squirrel. I'm screaming, "Takato, Takato, dammit Takato, put the squirrel down! leave it! NO! BAD DOG!" then I run out side and see that it's too late for the poor squirrel. I run up to my dog, with the squirrel in his mouth, and start to hit his butt. I freaked him out, but I was so fucking mad. then I look him and he's BLEEDING! damn dog, when he was killing the squirrel, it must have scratched him in a desparate attempt to save its life. but blood was pouring from takato's nose too. so I grab a towel, and am holding it to his face, and all he wants to do is stop Toby, the other dog, from getting his squirrel. then, when the bleeding subsides, I get a shovel and haul the carcass off to the dumpster. fuck. next, I see my dog bleeding again, so I run inside, get a cup of hot water, a cup of soapy hot water, gauze, cottonballs, q-tips, that antibacterial gooze, and some paper towels. I put surgical gloves on, grab some peanut butter, then wind up playing nurse to my stupid dog.
here I am, shoving peanut butter down Takato's throat so that he won't lick the soap or gooze, and he's just licking the peanut butter, trying to have it not stick to his mouth. shit. it was RETARDED! now I'm worried that he'll get rabies, and give it to the other dog, and my other pets, and me and my mom. hopefully, he don't, and he had better not kill any more squirrels(that was his third or fourth) thank you!
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