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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Get sick or get over it!
Today was fun; I got up at 6:05 am (i normally get up at 7:15 on weds), took a whole 15 minutes to get ready, caught the bus at 6:25 am (it's about a 5 minute walk), put my makeup on there, missed the first #30 bus, caught another one that was off schedule but OK for me, and got to Mayte's by the correct 7 am
her dad drove us to school. I turned in stuff, then slept for like an hour, til 9 when school started.
Japanese classes went on a field trip today. Actually, the whole school did, but i don't care about them. We went to the Denver Art Museum, which is a short walk from school. We got a tour of the Japanese art exhibit. It was interesting, but i've already seen it, so meh.
The real fun was walking over there, where I sang. And the ASSistant principle, mr. parse, "speaks Japanese" but he really doesn't. NIHONGO (Japanese) he says "nahango" and he says everything else fucked up too. He was trying to talk to me, but his pronounciation is so horrible, i could scarce hear what he was saying >:(
I got annoyed and said, "Nani yo? Mou, omae wakanai! bakabakashi! itsumo baka na koto ittenda!!" and some other stuff that made even less sense. I said it REALLY fast, and he didn't catch any of it. he just looked at me and started talking to some sixth grader -.-
If i think in Japanese, it's usually with the really macho, manly way of speaking. it's easier for me :( i need to get in the habit of speaking like a girl!!!! and stop saying "ore"
But I have no respect for that man. He's got no balls. (not literally)
Anyway, on our break, Dulce, Mari, and Mayu and I went over the library's cafe and had a bit to eat. I'd brought a bagel (since I didn't eat breakfast), and ate it with a small (but it was big) mocha latte. I got SO hyper, I was jumping around, scaring elementary schoolers, jumping off of walls, climbing walls, and chasing squirrels. I tried to feed them some of my bagel, but they wouldn't take it. I was scared then.
We ate Japanese food, too. YUMMY!!!!!!!!
Once I get the pictures they took, i'll put them up! ^^ they're gonna be cute!
Anyway, Mayte's going to Italy early tomorrow...lucky her. Some girl went to Japan til Jan. 08 today. I am filled with immense sadness and jealousy...I want to go to Japan for a year!!!!!!! **drama**
And sat. Tacchan is going to Chicago to see her big brother. i'm going to atlanta that day, but earlier. We're coming back the same day, too, but earlier (again)
Tomorrow is NIN party.
Here's a pic of me and my dad at a Japanese restaraunt. The lady who owned it took the picture, and sent me a letter today. she moved back to japan in Nov. so it's probably from like...october or sept.
excuse the lack of makeup, and super weird eyes on my part. Oh, and I wore the same shirt to my dad's house as in the picture today. My dad was also wearing the exact same outfit today as he is in the shashin!

can you tell i don't really want to be next to him :D
here's a picture of me, Mari, Mayu, Mayte, Dulce from a while ago

Me, Alex, Mayte being emo

The DCIS seniors being nice

And Us being US

(I dare you to find Mayte and I! We're being ourselves the most! XD)
Luciana being dumb

thank you!
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