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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Don't get a boner when you look at my eyes, bastard~~~~!!!!
...explaination? Antonio told me "I get a boner whenever I see your beautiful eyes." God. What a pervert. >.> and he has a pic of me with "my eyes all shisha!" (Zak comment of the pic) on his PSP. It's flattering, but also embarrassing.
but i'm really worried now; i got a call from his sister who sounds distressed about him. i hate it when he just disappears; it's so scary, i think he's dead or in jail or something. i always think the worst, and dammit, why does he have to pull this shit every now and then???
My eyes are blue and green, with flecks of yellow and black. I try to bring out the yellow cos they look really cool. heh. I wanna be a muņeca!!! That would be so so sosososoososooooo awesome!!!!!!!! heh. but the doll-face kind, not JUST a doll. :D
OH! So the paper came out today; it looks really freakin good. And our sponsor bought us a pizza party at lunch. 3 pizzas split between 7 people=AWESOME.
Also, I have my yearbook. It's good; i have SOOO many signatures already
What else? Tomorrow is SENIOR CHECKOUT. Woot. 2007!!!! I'm kinda nostalgic about it; i know i'm gonna miss everyone SO much. And graduation will be sucky and fun. I'm just plain ready, i guess.
I hope you'll all excuse my absence this week. I was really busy on some days, and then...others..FUCK MY MOM. she's been such a bitch, she made me cry SO damn much, and drove me so damn crazy I wound up cutting a little. It's been a while and it's fucked up and I'll be pissed at you if you do it, but shit. I wanted to hurt her, and when i get those feelings, it's best for me to get hurt so I calm down before exploding. Our house has so much broken shit from when i've lost my temper; I have a long fuse, but when you burn it all up, I absolutely explode and go nuts. scary.
Anyway. nothing much to say, I guess. Here's a few pics:
My tattoo

my boner

crest truck (think oscar mayer weiner mobile)

me and my tattoo

me and my whiny cat

art is resistance, mayte is stupid, and i am a ninja

mayte poking me during my shirt's photo shoot

she sucks

Haha! It's my wifey~ Dulce!!

the tattoo I gave Dulce on the back of her neck

a true muņeca

my bunny


rock on~!

this was me on Grunge day...I love grunge


red eyes

saquen ese guey!!!!!! kissy-skissy

Our fancy picture ^^

i gotta start wearing black eyeliner morethank you!
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