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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Friday, May 18, 2007
...woot!!!!! Go me!!!!!! as of now, I am 100% completely finished with high school, except for graduation weds.
First thing this morning, at the All School Meeting, we had a ceremony commencinig the last day for us.
Juan, Alex, Mayte, Maribel, Dulce, Deisy, Martha, Marisela, Luciana, Lupe, and I all pulled the ONLY senior prank.
We got Windows markers, crete paper, and balloons.
Since everyone was wearing their DCIS shirts, we made masks out of paper plates, string, and crete paper.
Then, with Juan and Luci as get away cars, we DASHED outside, tagged up the vice principal's van (parked out front in student parking) with "C/O 2007" and such, taped balloons to it.
Then, everyone but me piled into the cars and drove around back to do everybody elses'. I, on the other hand, was a hero, ran across the field to the dumpsters. I climbed on one, and looked over the wall that is there to make sure no one was out back. I called Alex to tell her it was all clear
They laughed, saying they could see me peeking over the wall, then said, "Look behind you!"
I turn around to see Dino the janitor taking out the trash!!!!!!!!! xDDDDD!!!!!!! He just smiles and waves at me, the weird girl wearing a mask, covered in crete paper, standing on the dumpster.
I jumped over the wall and RAN for it towards the parking lot. Everyone said I looked like #1 criminal running from the cops~
Then, i stood guard, as everyone pulled in, and we tagged the windows with "Class of 2007!" and put "FOR SALE" (I wrote 4 Sale) and "$1000 OBO" We also put the school's phone number for inquiring minds.
I went around putting everyone's windshield wipers up, and wrappping the crete paper around them. Just as the bitchy security guard was coming, we hopped in our vehicles, and went to Chile's.
Not the close one, the one in Lakewood. LOL why we went down the highway to a restaraunt that was a really short bus ride away, I don't know but it was fun
At the restaraunt, we pigged out, I pretended to jack off, we took pictures, we laughed, we sang, and all that. We also called the school and their English teacher to ask about cars.
First, I called the main office, and said, "Hi, I was calling to ask about the car for sale out back...would you have any information on that?"
Carol, the head secretary, just said, "No, honey, i'm sorry. if i find anything out, I'll tell you. can i get a number?"
i ALMOST froze up then, but I said "720-423...Oh wait!" that's the SCHOOL'S NUMBER xD I then just told her my number and hung up.
Later, we called Ms. Ruiz, who was HILARIOUS!!!!!
I said, "Hi, i was inquiring about the Navy blue passat for sale out back?"
L. Ruiz: "I am gonna HURT you!!! I didn't bring my wallet today, so i'm driving without a license today, and i have to drive around with all that crap on my car..."
me: "But...but...! But it said it's for sale! I'm willing to pay top price~!"
Ruiz: "I'm gonna HURT YOU!!!"
me: "oh...I'd better call the police! I don't take kindly to being threatened."
she hung up on me then....I was the one to make t he call because I'm the only who can say TOTALLY outrageous stuff and not laugh. Smile, yes, but I won't laugh.
anyway, we got back to school and some of the teachers were like "I looove this prank~ I'm not taking it off until i wash my car"
lmao. It was my idea, too :3 It was kinda lame and not BAD, but it was pretty fun...
2007 is just the best year...EVER!!!!!! we ROCK~! We get irritated with each other, but we're basically all friends, and there are NO cliques... I love us!~ But then, I'm biased.
I just wish Mayumi could graduate with us this year :( she came to America 2 years ago and still has trouble with English, although I'd say she's SOOOO good for being here so short (she's short...and ADORABLE. Half Japanese, half Mexican. She looks totally Japanese, and speaks beautiful espanjol)

Ki'y-ki'y in a tree

mine dorky ass sister who I positively ADORE

Antonio's puppy

Note on yesterday: Antonio was fine. his sister and mom are just psychothank you!
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