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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
i know~! It's like...
xD cos when we got home tonight, I said "ugh, what STINKS?!?!?!" and she said it's my uncle's gas... **gags and dies** luckily, i have my handy-dandy air deodorizer.
I swear. Sex smells better than that :x
So today, after my earlier rant, thanks for the support ^^ I fell back asleep and woke up again about 11:30 am. Antonio got lucky, cos I JUST woke up and he came over while everybody was at thrift stores and WalMart.
i live 3 blocks from the DMV, so he was going there to get his official ID, and he was number 121 when they were on 69. yes. so we killed some time watching TV, then went to Family Dollar to buy some headphones and super glue, and then checked back at the DMV, then went to the Korean mini-mart, and I bought an Iced Coffee and some fries-hot cheetos. (yummy!)
I took that stuff home, then came back. I was SOOO happy cos it was really raining. We didn't have a long wait in the DMV after that, and he got taken care of.
It's really convinient living in the Innercity like this, but in a fairly quiet neighborhood. 2 bus stops are both about 4 blocks away, there's 2 parks, restaraunts, gas stations, a library, my old elementary school, clubs, laundramats, bars, and other good stuff really close to home.
Anyway, we then took the bus to the bank, and he opened a checking/savings account, but the $300 check from his boss bounced, so he was PISSED, let me tell you. He called Oscar (his boss) on his phone and CUSSED him out in Spanish...lmao.
then we went to KMart and played scratch lotto games. Hey, I may be 17, but he's 18 and it's from the machine so who cares. I never win anyway. He ALWAYS wins at least his money back, though.
We ate at Tacos Rapidos (he had a torta, and I had a was really good) People may think eating tounge is "gross" but Oh. My. God. It tastes SOOOO freaking good grilled and made into a torta...i was drooling and all...we also had a BIG thing of Horchata...**licks lips**
we were in the rain, lol, and got cold, so we went home, and I noticed a cut on my cat's face, from his allergies he scratches. So, we took him to the vet real quick, got him antibiotics, and came home. I took a shower (oooh lala) and got all nice and dressed up for the awards dinner tonight. It was kinda fun...
Antonio and my grandfather both dislike lasagna, (the dinner dish) but at LEAST Antonio ate it without a SINGLE complaint; my grandfather is like a small child, ALWAYS whining. My mom got mad and told him "it's not about the food, it's about honoring Julie and her classmates" I guess he shut up.
Our graduating class is just 27 students, so I was a bit upset by some of the results of the awards. Some people got 2 awards, when other, equally deserving people, got none. I definately thought my friend Mayte should've gotten the Math award, but whatever.
I was suprised when my knifey-wifey Dulce and I got awards for founding, running, funding, and everything everything else for the newspaper...I wanted recognition, because it was a pain in the ass, but i was shocked we got it. and that it was "school service."
lol plus, I'm graduating with WHOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! go me!!!!!!!
lol yeah. Tomorrow is the REAL deal, though. Graduation!!! I'm soooooo excited xD even tho i have to get up early.
oooh and I got some graduation cards. from Petesy, my grandma in Georgia, I got a card and a check for $25. From my grandparents, I got a $50 bill and a card. From my mom's friends who I don't remember, this was a big shock, I got a nice card with lots of notes, and a check for $30! Also, from my neighbor at my dad's house, I have a card waiting for me.
I think all my gift money is going towards college...but maybe just a little for my tattoo(s)
OOH!!!!!! BIG NEWS!!!!!! I got an interview for a job as a hostess/waitress/something like that!!! gues where! Give up? It's at the "Downtown Aquarium" LINKNESS. which is an aquarium owned by a seafood company!!! xD LMAO!!!
Even tho i'm terrified of fish, I would LOVE to work there, because I think it's soooo neat. And I just plain need a job.
I have an interview FRIDAY at 3 pm with Mike Landars, or something like that. I kinda forgot his name :( but lol and I'm taking my sister with me, so if she gets a job there, we can work together!!!I would be SOOOO happy.
I'm kind of worried about her tho, because she's failing English and needs to take summer school this year but she's worried about paying for it. Poor kid, she's had it really rough this year :( I love her SOOOOOO freaking much though!!!!!!!!!!!!
speaking of love...Antonio repeatedly tried to convince me to marry him! o.O he proposed to me in Japanese (he was looking through the phrase book), and he said for me to marry him so he can get insurance thru my mom's plan >< but i'm under my dad's, come to think of it. I think he's kidding, but it makes me uneasy. I don't really want to get married, least not now, and at this point in my life i'm thinking i never will (I want kids tho)

my ADORABLE sister looking so scary
in case you were wondering, I'm older than her :Pthank you!
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