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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
damn you seafood restaraunt
I hear your food tastes like freezer box fish, anyway so bleaaaaaaaaah
Why couldn't they TELL me they require restaraunt experience BEFORE I go there?

something adorably cute...Japanese fan mail for Trent Reznor. From Osaka, Japan ^^ yes, the hairy man in the corner is Trent Reznor.
Only in Japan, i do say.
I have a vendetta against iPods, and my friend suggested a ZUNE so that's what I asked my dad for. i like it.
hrmmm Oh.
A moment of silence, please. Actually, 2 moments of silence.
One for my 10 cent fish that died Sunday, in my care for 3+ years. he was nameless.
a moment of silence for the perfect pair of boots I found but could not buy, thanks to the store not having them in my size.
Yes, i am picky about shoes, and I HATE to go shoe shopping. it makes me soooo sleepy. But there they were. these boots that came up to my knees, laced up, but had a zipper on the side. they were understated, and classy, but goth. AND the best part, their heel was average size. I don't like huge heels.
they were also on sale.
but they were all out except for an 11 and a 7...both too small. JUST KIDDING. the 11 was too big, the 7 too small. damn these size 9.5 feet of mine!!! **chops off end of toes**
Well, I modified this because some rather...interesting things have happened!!!
first of all, I am SOOOO stupid (that I deserve LordSesshomaru'. MORON AWARD.)
How STUPID was I?? Ok. So Antonio got the metal "toe" out of his old crappy boots, and stuck them on the outside of his older but better boots. They wouldn't stay on, so I bought him some super glue. He left it out,
I noticed and, curious as to whether the glue on the tip was dry, TOUCHED IT. THEN, realizing it was in fact WET, I tried to WIPE IT OFF ON THE DESK, thus GLUEING MY FINGER TO MY DESK. this resulted in the most unfortunate case of glueing stuff to stuff in my life. So, I sat there, waiting for my mom to get out of the shower. When she finally did, I asked her for a HOT, wet washcloth, and, after scalding myself, my finger DID break free.
But I swear. Saquen ese GUEYA!!!! or however ya spell that one.
OH!!!!!! And I kept forgetting, but I am really happy cos I bought the best SMASHING PUMPKINS cd set EVER!!!!!!! Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness.
with my SONG!!! Bullet with Butterfly Wings.
They're kind of emo...ok quite emo...but they have this guy

James Iha!~ one of the few Japanese/Asian Americans in the mainstream rock category. (there's a lot of white GUYS there...less women, even less "minorities." He's ALSO done work on another of my liked bands...A PERFECT CIRCLE.
I just can't believe he's almost 40!!!!!! my favorite, sexy, rock idols are getting OLD (most definately old enough to be my parents!! scary.)
(Back the Smashing Pumpkins)
and they don't sound like suicidal whiners with a generic tone. they AREN'T GENERIC

er or else it's my love of the 90's and 90's music.
I wish Iha was going back to the Smashing Pumpkins reunion... :( oh well. their new stuff still sounds good.
And, is it just me, or does the whole Syd Barrett. make you SAD??? I already knew all the stuff on the site, pretty much, but it's easy.

young days
I dunno. the whole thing just makes me SAD!!!! he basically got kicked out of his band, betrayed by his "friends," practically forgotten by the world, almost died probably a hundred times, and HIS band basically went on to fame by singing about HIM...capitalizing on his "personal demons."
I still LOVE! Pink Floyd, and the Dark Side of the Moon is one of my favorite albums EVER...
why did I just go to the Japanese Wikipedia?? dumbass I swearthank you!
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