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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Monday, June 4, 2007
where's the damn webdings?!?!
argh. If it's not one thing, it's ALWAYS another.
Ok, so I really haven't been around much lately for various reasons, namely because my dad's internet SUCKS, and the only time I spent on there was when I had a HUGE! headache anyway.
Saturday was meh. Went to the Botanic Gardens, fun because of my love of plants, particularly tropical ones. Then went to Mayte's graduation party, which was fun, but her boyfriend annoys me a lot. >< first of all, he calls me "Mary Poppins," because of a dress I wore in 11th grade, and also, he's just a fucking bitch. He spills some soda on the table, and Mayte gets up to throw something away, and he just sits there. She comes back and says, "what, you can't clean it up?" and he says "I thought you would."
I got annoyed, and cleaned it up, then held his soda hostage, demanding he apologize to Mayte. His response? "Give me back my pop, fucking Mary Poppins! Geez!~ I can't apologize for accidents!" and then he got a hold of it. but ARGH!!!! you CAN apologize for accidents, and you CAN apologize for NOT CLEANING THE MESS UP. and he threw a fit about the cake. fucking dickface I swear.
Anyway. Sunday I felt kinda bleh. So nothing to report on that.
But at any rate, the thing I really must inform "y'all" of is that my grandmother on my mom's side (the one on my dad's side has been dead for like 37 years) is in the hospital.
what started out as a bowel infection has gotten worse, as her blood pressure goes up and down, she may have had a heart attack, and she's having other troubles which I cannot recall. Right now, she's in the Intensive Care Unit, and has been there since Friday, when she was admitted to the hospital.
There's the possibility that she may die soon, especially considering how, in her family, once the heart goes...well ikinarinai...
but i'm not too concerned as of yet...i say, if she can pop out 5 kids within 7 years, she can get through this...she is 76 though... =/
I don't know...I don't really want to talk about this... =/ not cos I'm sad (i'm not sad...) but because anything I'm feeling sounds incredibly insensitive, regardless of how it is intended. I fear that I cannot express these unintentionally insensitive feelings without conveying them as cold, cruel, heartless, etc. they really aren't that way; it's complicated
Although, my mom will go out there when my grandma gets out of the hospital to help take care of her...I would be staying here...unless there needs to be a funeral (hope not yet) in which case I would go out there...
:) oh and on July 10 is my college orientation...i'm excited...i can hardly wait for college.
now, i must be off to bed.
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