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Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Thursday, July 19, 2007
damn you job!
not Job, job. jobs. job hunting! DAMMIT!!!
I take over an hour to go to Target, in the HOT FREAKIN' SUN! then I sit in their stupid employee lounge for 20 minutes. I finally get interviewed -late. It's looking like I'll get the job. I get a second interview, wait around another 40 minutes. Get into there, and she tells me BAM! no job. Why? because I'll be leaving.
My mom wants me to get a job, but she first takes me to Indiana, when i should have been working. Then, the one opportunity i might have had for a decent job, even if it was far, she shoots down because Antonio might be working there too.
This is a total pain in the ass. I'm lying on my next application. And if I STILL don't get a job, fuck it. I quit. not like it'll do me good to work for a week.
oooh but my mom just brought me a rice crispi treat...yummy.
I'm such a fat ass.
HA! my mom was saying she had to walk 4 blocks to get the bus stop today. **rolls eyes** we LIVE 4 blocks from either bus stop. So I walked that twice today. Plus about an hour in the BAKING HOT FREAKING SUN trying to find the correct bus to get back home.
Oh. Let's talk about hair! My current...uhm...dolly (it looks like that to me), Miyavi-esque hairdo is great. A little too BLONDE for me, so I'll dye it dark brown when I get ready to leave for OR.
But what has my hair been in the past? In 8th grade, it was purple-red, no bangs, and shoulder length.
9th grade, it was first mid-back length, no bangs, blondish, and permed. But my hair's so straight, it was barely wavy. Then, near the end of the year, I got bangs and dyed it dark brown.
10th grade I dyed it black. then purple. Then bright red. then hot pink. after which it turned orange. By the way, I had bangs and it was getting pretty long
11th grade. Hair had bangs and was waist-length or longer. It was dyed blue, i believe, at one point or another. Also black. Then, i got stupid and chopped it all off into my barely shoulder length hairdo. plain-jane!
12th grade: beginning of year, shoulder length...BRIGHT GREEN HAIR. Not just...a little green. Green as a tree. or a snake. it wasn't lime at first, more of an emerald green. Then it paled and turned silver-green. Then i dyed it dark brown. later i tried to dye it blue again, but failed and it turned blonde. Dark brown, and now it's blonde again.
What's next for my hair? Only time will tell. I wish I could do the green again, but I'm trying to get my hair back to its normal color and healthier.
But I REALLY miss the green, and I REALLY miss the being super long.
oh man that was cool. It was all...not fluffy, but it hung in tendrils and would be kind of wavy because I wore it in braids all the time.
I'll scan a green hair pic for you one of these days

for now, be satisfied with my flaming pink roots, which fade into a deep pink-black. this was 10th grade, where I was wearing my robe while playing marbles with my sister.
Don't I look intelligent??? (i miss that hair **glomps it**)
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2.) What fad is your favorite?
3.) What channel can you not STAND to watch?
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