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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Teenager Dies of Bedroom Mess: Clothes, Trash, Books, Shoes Crush 17 Year Old
I think I'll start putting the subject as a false headline...>.> mostly about my/someone's death...
Oh!!! NaeNae! I was just thinking about it, and then I read your comment. It's true. (Racism, sexism, that sort of crap from Disney vids)...
UGH!!! I'm so irritated with my fucking family. They're jackasses!!!!!!!! My mom and I can DROP EVERYTHING and drive for 2 days straight to go take care of my very sick Grandma, and it wasn't FUN in the least while we were there.
We worked fucking hard taking care of ALL her stuff, and my grandpa, and my idiot family. I missed out on getting a JOB this summer because I had to leave the search and go. And I NEED that money. COLLEGE, you know, doesn't come cheap. My mom's on her OWN. No husband, no one else to be working and helping. Just her, so she missed money too.
These lazy fuckers -well, i'll forgive my aunt cos she's got health problems, too- can't drive 5 fucking miles to go visit her. not even to work...TO VISIT her and keep her company, and they don't.
Sure, when we were there, they made all sorts of promises. Yeah, we'll help. Oh, yeah, sure, no probs...FUCK THEM!
My ASSHOLE uncle? First, 2 weeks after she was out of the HOSPITAL, he and his kids picked raspberries, which he then had my grandma -my SICK OLD WOMAN GRANDMA- make into pies for him. He didn't pay her, or anything.
But even WORSE, was while he was on VACATION, he had my grandma out in her garden PICKING GREEN BEANS. Maybe you've never farmed...but it can be tough!!! Especially when it's hot, humid, buggy and you're allergic to bees, and you're a sick old woman.
Then, he had her snapping and washing the green beans. Then he had her canning them! AND THEN he brought beans from HIS garden over and had her do THEM!!!!
How does he get her to do this? Guilt trips. She talks about all he's done for her? What's he done for her compared to what she's done for him?
She's GIVEN BIRTH to him, raised him, loaned him money, watched his kids for free a billion times, cleaned for him...all sorts of stuff!!!!
And his kids...maybe wouldn't be such a big deal...but those are some fucked up kids. they, the ones who throw tantrums and left her bruised and bloody, beat on each other, don't listen, are racist, disgusting rednecks, whine all the time, and break shit all the time...
Man, I really don't like those kids. The oldest, I guess he's okay. He used to be really malicious, but now, he doesn't talk to me much like the rest of the family, but he does. So I don't mind him
The middle one, the boy, he's such a dick. I swear he's gay -not to be mean, it's just TRUE. and he's the worst one: violent, selfish, mean, gross...he's REALLY bad
the youngest, the girl...she's just destined to be a SLUT. she's your typical dumbass ditzy middle schooler, and can be very mean and violent and selfish herself.
But it was the middle one I beat the living SHIT out of because he called my sister, who he's never met, a "spic." (if you don't know, it's a derrogetory term for Hispanics...)
I love my sister. FAR more than I love him. I love my friends -mostly Mexican- FAR more than I love him.
So...I did the natural thing and beat his racist redneck ass til he cried. this was when he was, i believe, 14, and me 17. so this year.
Sorry but you insult my sister in front of me, and I'll beat your face in and then pull it out to beat it again
WOW!!! that sounded dirty.. **hearts**
sorry for that rant. I'm just pissed kinda
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