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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
...well, you can't exactly say, happy september 11th, can you?
I was in 7th grade 6 years ago today; confused as hell as to what was going on, and of course scared. I thought it would be the start of a war as our teachers stopped lessons and those who had TVs had them turned to any local news channel, and those with radios had them going.
One supposedly smart kid in my reading class was saying, "isn't it the pacifists who have done this?" =_= but everyone was too scared and horrified to make fun of him.
After that, we went home, and the horrible coverage kept playing OVER and OVER in our heads, and on the TV, as if to keep it fresh in our minds. Yes, it was a horrible day.
The events that followed were bad, too, though. I abhor how many politicians will use 9/11 to their own, political advantage. How certain country singers **alan jackson** make songs about it and get rich off people's suffering and emotions. I hate how people use it to defend war. I hate how people saw it as an excuse to hate ALL Islam and Muslims and Middle Easterners, how it caused them to be mistrustful of an entire group of people, just because SOME bastards who happen to be of the same religion, and did it in the name of that religion (Islam means Peace, y'know). It's all manipulative, often insensitive, cruel, and, in my opinion, immoral.
The same as how family members of a person who died this way or that sue, and get rich. I might sue to make whoever suffer a tiny bit, but I wouldn't want that money for me. I'd use some for the funeral and medical bills, and just give the rest to charity. Who wants to be rich off someone they LOVE dying?
Ok rant deleted :) mood elevated since rant.
I have a funny story to share with you! Since my friend, Mayte, is dating Matt, a nice white boy from Louisiana, she knows his grandma really well.
His grandma's story goes like this:
When I was a little girl in Louisiana, everything was segregated, even church. One day, the preacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Now, since they always called those black children "Nigger" I thought that was their last name. So I said I wanted to be a Nigger Girl when I got big! Oh, he told my momma and she beat me for WEEKS!
xD that's hilarious. She isn't racist, the grandma. she's really nice!
On Monday, I was cornered by evil mormons, then had lunch at Village Inn with Antonio, then Mayte came down from Boulder, and we hung out. We rented a Thai was OK but funny instead of scary. We watched it at my dad's while he was at work, hung out, then my dad came home, and then he took us all to my mom's.
also xD I got my halloween costume. Executioner. I have a mask, an axe, a whip, fingerless gloves, and a studded collar just for it. I love it; i was shaking my axe as idiot skater kids and bad drivers.
In other news, I leave 24 hours from time of writing this. 10:10 AM

At the park with Antonio

noooooo he's gonna chop me

Me forget what this one was, but I got a BIG HEAD

making fun of heather's "sexy faces"


haha making a stupid facethank you!
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