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Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Monday, October 29, 2007
what a fun weekend for MyO
if you DIDN'T know...well, it was fucked up all weekend.
oh well. it happens. I feel REALLY sorry for Adam and friends; computers can be so so so frustrating.
but anyway.
This weekend was an interesting one.
I was happy because tonight my sister and I chatted on
(my page is:
the wonderful me
"Sasaya" wasn't available, so I went with faltering. which, for whatever reason, is possibly my favorite word.
Saturday, I went to the mall =D yay
I FELL IN LOVE. With a chinchilla. it was small, and white, and ADORABLE. It had sweet little eyes. I would have bought it, but it cost too much, and it's an 18-22 year commitment, apparantly. wow.
anyway. So I wandered around a bit. Looked at Hot Topic for a jacket but they didn't have what I want. I wandered around some more.
Then, I got in a sort of reckless mood. I dunno about you, but sometimes I crave physical pain.
So, I decided on something I've been considering for a while. my lip pierced!!!
xD yay!!!! It's on the lower left, a lip ring. I like it.
When deciding what to do, I texted people. Mayte and Luciana think they're trashy, and Tamara (the sister), Antonio, and Christian think they aren't. I wanted one, so I got one.
Made Mayte mad, or disappointed...she thinks I'm too spontaneous...which might be true; i've just never thought of myself that way. at ALL.
Anyway. She'll be okay with it. And Luci said they might be trashy but i can pull it off.
So anyway. I have one now. When I went to get it, the boss lady pierced me. She gave me some mouthwash, and asked if I wanted a stud or a ring...I tried to say "ring" and spit wash all over my leg, so she jokingly kicked me.
then, the whole time she was piercing me, she was scolding this guy who worked there. In Korean. It was hilarious; i'm just sitting there really nervous and there's this guy looking like a naughty dog who got caught peeing in the house.
I thought it would hurt a lot; I was really nervous. But I watched her stick the needle in. It was like...dun dun dun...**waits for pain** pain!...what? lol i was expecting pain and it barely showed up.
and now I have a pierced lip! it's kinda swollen and stupid looking right now, but hey. it'll be okay. I'm keeping it clean.
oh my. LOL
this is from my friend Marichan

and this lol this is me:

OH and i spent this weekend watching Samurai Champloo on the internet
=3 it's gotta be Fuu and Mugen and Jin, I love that show. I like them as just friends, but if you must pick a couple...Fuu and Mugen.
I love Mugen the best. he's funny. And more interesting than Jin. The "arc" where Sara the blind woman is fighting him, and she's saying 'no one ever loved him' and then Fuu throws herself across him...
i feel like watchin that....
sorry I'm tired.
see ya!thank you!
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