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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Friday, November 30, 2007
that's 2 classes down...
Ok ^_^ thanks for the comments from yesterday.
GOOD NEWS! I got another point on my Biology test for whatever reason, I'm not gonna complain. It may only be 30/50, but it's still ever so much better than a 29/50
so. even BETTER news is that I am officially finished with going to Honors. Forever. Fuck them from here on out. Well, except for my final paper, but if I fuck that up...I'll be very, incredibly miserable, and even more desperate to opt out of my fuckin' honors class.
Today also marked the last formal, regular day of Nihongo! ^o^ I really love that class. I also love Fuse-sensei, the first teacher of the evening. He's a really good teacher, very nice, very patient.
Plus, he asked this Korean girl and I if we are "Nihonjin" because we did well in an exercise...
But I hate being asked questions...I get nervous and freeze up and can't speak. I should tell my Japanese teachers that I can't speak in Eigo either >_< **bites tounge** take that you wiggly, stupid bastard!!!
ahem. anyway. Friday afternoon is my biology lab practical exam xD yay!!! I'm really nervous...
but I shouldn't be. If you don't count the quizes, I've done consistently about a B's worth. Maybe a 90% here, 70% here...and the quizes weren't all as bad as i've thought...out of the...8, i believe? I've gotten at LEAST a 9/10, a 10/10 (granted, this was the one she forgot to make and we ALL got 10's on...), and an 8/ we'll see!
my future is looking a million miles away, unless i have a baby. Which, by the way, my dear friend Deisy is due any day now!!! I had a dream it did so i woke up VERY confused... xD
yup! OH and by the way, the picture of me didn't show up because I forgot the "c" in the src... so here it is agains

;_; my finger is burned. from soap.
see, Derek, who comes over on a daily basis for tea and companionship, told me that if you pour milk in a cup, put a lightbulb in the milk, and heat it in the microwave, it lights up.
I was GONNA try it, but didn't want to waste milk or murder my microwave. So he told me about the one where you can make a bar of soap into a bunch of suds by nukin' it.
I tried it, it was interesting, but as I tried to take the soap off, it was HOT, and burned my poor finger :-<
oh welly well well
haha it's like 15 hours later from when i wrote this xD now i'm postingthank you!
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