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irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
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となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Sunday, July 20, 2008
dunna dunna dunna BATMAN!
So, I went to see the new Batman movie, the Dark Knight, with my dad today **squeal** my dad didn't like it that much but he's stupid and doesn't like anything. Or else he didn't want to admit how much he liked it.
Anyway, I loved it. I love Heath Ledger as the Joker; he was AMAZING! I would have never pinned Heath Ledger as the type to do such a role, but he pulled it off like dynamite. And Christian Bale is no slouch, either. He does a great job as Batman; my favorite. Partly because he's sexy (give me a break, he did Howl's voice in Howl's Moving Castle, too), but mostly because he's good.
I loved them both so much I can't decide who I loved more. Harvey Dent was eh for me. I know he needed to be the "white knight" but gawd, he was just so...good. Until the end, and I didn't like him not being good, LOL. I was touched when he stood up for Batman. The actor who played Harvey Dent did a really good job, too!! Sorry I forgot your name, sir >_<
Maggie I am not her biggest fan. She did a good job, to be fair. But I was extremely happy when she died. NOT just because I am bitchy towards the actress, but because I like it when major/important characters die. Dunno why, I'm just like that. Maybe it's because the world isn't a happy place, and it's good for the plot for characters to die.
All in all, I was extremely impressed. I'll probably go take Antonio to see it, too.

Friday night, I went to a BBQ at Antonio's mom's house, btw. It was with his sister, mother, sister's bf, mom's friend, and him. It was fun, and delicious, even though we didn't eat til 10:30 pm. LOL I feel kinda like a part of that family.
His sister told me an "annoying little white girl with blonde hair whose name started with 'L'" used to call him ALL the time. I was like, "Was it Lori? cos he used to date a Lori."
Denise looked hesitant to answer, so I was like...hrm. But she said she told her "he has a girlfriend" and the little hussy *(her words) said "i don't care." she would call all the time, but he didn't care about her, so I'm happy. ^^ i feel like I won. but now, i don't like that girl more >_>

I got into a new manga, called "Love Attack" and it's shojo, which gags me to death, but it's pretty funny, and by the same writer as Girl Got Game, which I liked. I like this writer's style of shojo because it's not all sparkly eyes and stupid drama. they're really light hearted, and funny.
In this one, a tomboy girl who beats up bullies befriends the school "demon" to keep herself from getting expelled. he likes her right away, and they wind up dating pretty fast (first chapter LOL). I dunno, I'm not obsessed, but I really do like it. Hirata kinda reminds me of Antonio. He even looks like a skinny, clean-cut version of him.
it's funny, too, that there's slight mention of Hirata and Chiemi in vol. 9 of Girl Got Game.

but best news of all, my FAVORITE manga, Superior, had an update today! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that series like no one's business. I hope they publish it in English someday...hope hope. and by Tokyopop or DelRey, cos VIZ has some sucky translations. Anyway, I've blathered on enough xD
the official superior page. thank you!
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