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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Discount Grapes indeed
 Cyanide & Happiness @
eh heh heh heh.
Blah. My mom can be such a bitch. She gets in a bad mood and takes it out on me because I don't talk back. She says whatever the hell she feels like and acts like it doesn't kill me.
She goes on about how I'm not nice, useless, lazy, selfish, stupid, etc. etc. But she's so fucking negative, she's never, EVER said "good job" for shit, not even when I graduated high school. She yelled at me then, too. I get fucking sick of being treated like her stress ball. I get that she's stressed and depressed but so am I and I don't take it out on her.
She's a hypocrite, too. but I don't want to talk about that any more =P
I am PMSing, and damn, if I'm not more of a bitch than normal this time of month...I get so fucking crabby. I'm already stubborn and grouchy, you give me cramps and hormones, and I'm like a rabid dog.
shit. So today, I was gonna go volunteer but got around to it too late, so I just went downtown. I bought a shirt at HotTopic, of the Joker that says "why so serious" was cheaper than the "girl" shirts so i was happy there.
I also went to 3 different music stores to get the new NIN cd <3 of course, it cost the same at the last place as the first place...the 2nd place didn't even have it so i was pretty pissed that I wasted my time.
I also deposited all but $20 of the rest of my money into my saving's account because i don't want to spend it. But the main reason I went downtown was to read Teen Titans comics, I TOTALLY forgot while I was there T_T i was so mad when I home after I ate my first real meal of the like 5:45 pm.
On the way back, first of all, it was like zombies with all these idiots and morons coming back from a Rockies baseball game. Damn I liked it better back in the day when they sucked and nobody went to their stupid games. Less crowded then. Plus, I didn't have to see all these annoying-ass suburb people who don't know how to keep their voices down and who DON'T KNOW HOW THE BUS WORKS damn i was pissed.
Anyway. Then on the way back, some guy on the bus, who's possibly drunk, is telling me he isn't sure where he is (my first clue he may be drunk), and that my facial expressions are "great" (??), and that I'm "ornery, don't lie, you're ornery" (??? it's true but), and that I have a good heart and I didn't have to talk to him but I did, and we're all his family and he loves everybody, and God is great, and that I'm smart. @_@ I was utterly confused.
...But you know, come to think of it, it was REALLY nice. It reaffirmed me that i'm not a useless person. Obviously I am a brat because even a stranger can tell it. But he said nice things about me when I've been told my whole life what a piece of garbage I am. It's nice to run into strangers who, while drunk and confusing as hell, make me feel better.
STILL was COMPLETELY hopelessly confused @_@
anyway.thank you!
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