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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Friday, August 1, 2008
hungry hungry hippo!
so blah, um what have I been up to? well, not much, not much. I got new glasses. My eyes suck. well, not really.
One pair has is a metal frame, real light, painted reddish brown. the other pair is plastic, typical emo frame, painted dark purple. i like them. i've been wanting new glasses because my old ones, the frame is REALLY popular, and I like being unique. even if i am rather plain, lol
ugh. my cousin irritates the crap out of me. she's always going on about not knowing what she wants to do with her life -she's 17 and hasn't even STARTED her senior year. she's got plenty of time. most people change their majors anyway. and what does she want me to do about it? tell her what to do? it's her life, not mine, i got enough crap to worry about.
lol and then she's saying she wants to write a book about how crappy the future is going to be, through her kid's eyes. okay, not a bad idea, but it's been done a lot. So i suggested she do some reading. The Road, Lord of the Flies, A Heart of Darkness, A Clockwork Orange, Animal Farm, and, of course, 1984. Talk about a fucked up future.
But anyway. I got a new t-shirt, it's one of the new Tool album. it's pretty =D
AND, considering it's August 1, 2008...ONLY A MONTH UNTIL NIN AT RED ROCKS!!!!! Sasaya is a very happy girl about that =D SO EXCITED hahaha
oh lol and yesterday we had a bbq, it was yummy **drool** i also ordered a poster (NIN) off Amazon, but they fucked up my order, and i noticed after it was too late to change/cancel it. ooohhhh was i PISSED, i started cussing and throwing shit, lol. when i'm in a bad mood, i get so violent xD
I went through all the pictures in the house, and it was fun. but i was pretty sad, looking at some of them. i started to tear up, missing my friends, lol. ALSO, started to get depressed looking at myself from 2 years ago and how thin i was =( damn. **pinches fat** gots ta lose this.
Oh lol, so Antonio likes stuffed animals, the bigger the better, well, yesterday, at Sam's, they had BIG stuffed animals for $20, so we got him one. He was SO happy...but my cat was TERRIFIED OF IT xD LMAO.
anyway, i'm rambling. here's some pics

lmao i always make that face

pretty little lake

lmao my cheeks are so pink and my eyes so squinty

this little cutey crawled on my foot

i love these things!!!!!!

pickle <333


my sister smelling a sunflower in my yard =Dthank you!
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