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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Saturday, October 11, 2008
fuck i slept for 12 hours
I hate it when I do that, especially when it's late that I wake up. I'm trying to get on a schedule, dammit!
so, I am kind of disappointed, because the job interview I went to on Tuesday has not called me back yet, so I fear for the worst >_< I really needed that job, but i guess they don't want me. damnations.
But in other news, some changes occurred!
So, you know that cat I was going to get? Tuesday, another lady who works with Gala called and told me that THAT cat is extremely needy. She wants to be with you 24/7, and if she isn't she gets pissed and destroys your stuff.
Then she told me about another little kitty in need of a home, Peach. I said I'd looked at her and she seemed nice. I called Gala back, and Gala said that Peach needed a home by friday because the foster mom's boyfriend was throwing a fit and threatening to toss her out.
So, it wound up being that Thursday after class, Gala and I went to Petco, got some food and a nametag, (I changed her name to Anzu). Gala paid for 2/3 the food. how nice of her!
Then, we got the kitty!!!!!!! Anzu. She was REALLY scared at first, and we brought her to my house, and she was just trying to hide. After a little while, though, she started to purr for me. A lot. She's really friendly and sweet and cute. ^_^ a lover. she really likes me. I'm teaching her to climb up the ladder to get to my bed. I already taught her how to get down
her name is Anzu because it means Apricot in Japanese. I didn't go with "momo" because that's too common. Plus, there's this really annoying girl here who calls herself Momo. =/
But anyway, Anzu is TINY because she had 5 kittens when she was about 7 months old. Her 5 month old son is the same size as her!!! and she only weighs maybe 6 lbs (MAYBE). She's not that much bigger than one of my tennis shoes.
This is Anzu:
wants the gerbil

she was scared so she hid under the heater. she is much more confident now

being a lover

trying to get the gerbil lol

eating her food
i've got some other cute ones but that's enough for now =>
she's so funny, for a while, she would just sit in the litterbox and roll around, not go potty. and then she figured it out...but she still wanted to roll in it xP yuck
lol but she's a sweetiethank you!
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