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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
A Punx Dreamz [6:19 PM]: omg did mayte tell you what happened in 6th hour today?
Texhnolyze23 [6:19 PM]: lol
Texhnolyze23 [6:19 PM]: no, what?
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: **ish getting curious**
A Punx Dreamz [6:20 PM]: well lizley was talking about preppy, and she called mayte preppy, then kristal was all well if anyone in here is preppy its heather (me), and she had to have sonia explain to her what preppy was after the fact that she called me that
A Punx Dreamz [6:20 PM]: grr
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: O.O
A Punx Dreamz [6:20 PM]: i wanted to pull out whats left of her hair
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: that's FUCKED UP
Texhnolyze23 [6:20 PM]: THAT BITCH IS GONNA GET IT
A Punx Dreamz [6:21 PM]: then after school, i told luci, and she was asking kristal why she was talkin shit, and she was like i didnt do anything and walked away
Texhnolyze23 [6:21 PM]: did lizley and kristal not KNOW what preppy means?
A Punx Dreamz [6:21 PM]: lizley does i think
Texhnolyze23 [6:21 PM]: omg....that's madness. ha ha, Luci scared Kristal
A Punx Dreamz [6:21 PM]: kristal had to have it explained to her
Texhnolyze23 [6:22 PM]: then why did she call Mayte preppy? Kristal is a moron. she wants to be all cool and shit, but she doesn't know ANYTHING about being cool
A Punx Dreamz [6:22 PM]: i know, mayte was like well the only reason she was saying it is cos she thot it would make her cool to call me preppy
A Punx Dreamz [6:22 PM]: i dont think they know what it means, cos they both said it to me
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: ~_~
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: that's idiocy
A Punx Dreamz [6:23 PM]: exactly
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: Lizley is Freakin preppy
A Punx Dreamz [6:23 PM]: i was just like dont be surprised if i show up with a baseball bat tomorrow
Texhnolyze23 [6:23 PM]: ROFL
A Punx Dreamz [6:23 PM]: and i said that lizley was preppy and she was like no im not you are
A Punx Dreamz [6:24 PM]: *screams*
Texhnolyze23 [6:25 PM]: well, don't worry. here;s the thing about Lizley and Kristal: they think they're OH SO COOL~ and wanna be cool, and think they're all that and a bag of cookies. but they're IDIOTS. they know NOTHING about being cool. I know more than they do, ME! they're complete "posers"
A Punx Dreamz [6:25 PM]: exactly
A Punx Dreamz [6:26 PM]: kristal is like a carbon copy of any one shes come in contact with
Texhnolyze23 [6:26 PM]: LMAO
Texhnolyze23 [6:26 PM]: no, a carbon copy is a GOOD copy. she's like a bad xerox
A Punx Dreamz [6:27 PM]: yeah like the ones where the most important part has been cut off or blacked out
Texhnolyze23 [6:27 PM]: LOL
Texhnolyze23 [6:27 PM]: or has a big white streak through it
A Punx Dreamz [6:28 PM]: yeah
Ok in case you're a little confused, Lizley USED to be my friend, but we started fighting and she got very annoying. she's like the stupid sports girl trying to be feminine
and Kristal was never my friend, and I don't know anybody who really likes her. she seriously thinks she's cool, and she always sucks up to us "middle" kids, who aren't UNcool, but aren't butt popular, either. we just want her to shut up.
and me and my group of friends are seriously the most Anti-social, unpreppy, punk-goth, vicious bitches in the school. when you add the guys in, we're even more unpreppy, but a little more attention seeking. Heather is the punkiest of us all. Mayte is quiet, but's madness
anyway, enjoy Sanzo <3 (for those of you who don't know, <3 is a heart)

**whistles** if only he were real...<3<3<3 I'd find a way to make him MINE...and f'ck him. :D ha ha. not really...>.> or would I? dun dun dun
want the answer? I would if I was old enough and could trick him into marrying me. which would not happen, so I would NOT!! :-Pthank you!
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