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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Sunday, April 3, 2005
pretty pretty parachutes
well, first off:

ok. First off, NIGHT's party yesterday was pretty fun. I mean, it got on my nerves a little bit because she's in 8th grade and most middle schoolers in large groups tend to get pretty crazy (no offense to anyone) so I was getting annoyed when we were eating because they were bopping each other with balloons.
oh, and in the car too. blah blah blah blah blah! they wouldn't SHUT UP about stupid stuff. If you ask ME, nobody should be allowed to date until high school. and somebody should tell them that they're NOT mature and everything. I mean, I KNOW I'm not, but they're struttin around like queens of the cage. @.@
but seriously, it was fun. we went swimming and I like to swim, even though I look bad in a swimsuit. I forgot shorts, too...T.T oh well. anyway, I was so tired when I woke up I just got up from a 2 hour and 10 minute long nap. :D
And I must say, I really do not want to go to school again. I'd rather be barfing my guts up than sitting back at school. I had too much fun over break to want to go back to hell. why would I want to go back to a place where everyone ignores me and is a jerk? well, I guess to see about my trip to costa rica...
at any rate, here's a poem I wrote a while back:
At night I lay me down to sleep
My soul I pray the Lord to keep
Fall into nighttime dreaming's mirth
And in the morning-at it's birth-
Sleepy, sleeping, I wrench myself to wake
This life so dull, the best of it I try to make
Early clouds dance and play and then decide to dissipate
The sun smiles down, something to which I cannot relate
I dash along to go not learn
For when I speak up, no eyes will turn
In the back I see Teacher's face without sound
Hand goes up and down and all around
Stare t the clock, society's god
Freedom, wisdom, kingdom it's all a fraud
Feels like air, like cold, like silver suicide
Where all happiness, smiles and thoughts are denied
Whining from the mouths of preps
Avoiding the path where she steps
I roll my eyes, what a pest
Silence is golden, silence is best
Lights go off, it's dark in here
But it is safest, there's nothing I fear
Lights flicked on, blink a bit
Rise from this seat where I sit
I get done, I am finished, I go home
Throw my stuff upon the chair, I am all alone
Open the windows, let the wind in, sink to the floor
Bent over on myself, I shiver and don't want to live anymore
Take a breath, exhale, crawl into bed for when
I have o get up tomorrow and do it all again
So now I lay me down to sleep
My soul I pray the Lord will keep
thank you!
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