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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Monday, July 4, 2005
I thought i had a porpoise

nyao. btw, the purpose of the bunny pics have a pic everytime and I like bunnies.
oh joy! I've seen War of the Worlds...twice. First time, I saw the second showing in Denver with Antonio and Gavin. Second time with my dad. FIrst time? I was scared off my ass for the first part.
then, on thursday-friday morning, I got sick and started freakin out and couldn't sleep. but when I did, guess what?
this part gets kind of gross, but what do you care?
I dreamed I was laying on my bed watching tv with antonio. he came over and started...licking my face! ew! I tried to shove him off, and then I woke up to find my dog worriedly licking my face because I was writhing like a maggot.
speaking of which, I took the berry thing from my neighbor's tree to see what was on the inside, and guess what it was! A MAGGOT! GUH-ROSS.
anywho, my project now is to right for my story. I don't know what to call it, but here's just a small sample I've been insipred to write ala war of the worlds.
"We were one sorry, haggard mess of humanity. Barely managing to drudge ourselves from town to depraved town in hopes of finding some sign that everything was okay and finding only the same angry, rioting masses primal in their desperation ground on all our nerves, mine especially. Every town further from the epoch increased the unlikelyhood that I would ever find Laith again. Finally, after a particularly violent town, I broke down. Kimberly and Henry stopped with me, but tugged at my arms.
"No!"I wept, covering my face with my filthy, shredded hands.
The Trent Caravan, broken now, traveled on, not even realizing we weren't moving. It happened. Sometimes wounds overtook someone and they were left where they fell as part of the unspoken code of the broken world.
For many hours - I know it was this because the sun went from high over head to low over the rim of the horizon- none of us moved. I just wept as my young siblings watched with a fearful uncertainty of how to react. Shyly, Kimberly approached me.
"I'm sleepy," she said, tears filling her icy blue eyes.
"Let's go, sis," Henry offered firmly.
I took a minute to wipe the tears from my eyes and gather the strength to rise. "Yeah, Ok. Yes."
Clambering off my sore knees hurt and I wobbled. As my balance left me, I windmilled desparately to prevent an embarrassing fall. I felt my hand slap a familiarly smooth face. "Ow! Jeez, what is it with you and hitting me?!"
That voice! I spun and found myself eye to eye with Laith, though his face was dirty and scratched. The tears began again as I wheezed through excited breaths, "You-you-YOU JERK! How could you do that?! If you'd have died...we would have lost it! Laith, if you ever do that again, so Help me GOD, I'll kill you myself."
Laith just smiled warily -I could see his fatigue- and I sighed, full of guilt. "I'm sorry, just so glad, relieved, estatic to see you alive and in relatively good health."
His smile strengthened and he hugged me gently. "Yeah, I'm glad you're ok, too. I missed you."
I stifled a sob and didn't release his hug even after he tried to pull away. Eventually, I let him go, and he looked at Henry and Kimberly with his trademark expression of uncertainty. Then he embraced the two of them also, murmuring "I'm glad you're fine, too, little ones"
Though it was night, I knew things would be okay in this broken world because my family was put back together again."
well...there's a sample, what did you think? I'll try to get to your sites if I can....
happy 4th of july, be you American or otherwise! I'm not the most patriotic person, but to those of you who are:
thank you!
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