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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Sunday, July 24, 2005
who killed da bunny?!

this has been a really interesting couple of days since my last post. Remember I was sick? well guess what! I got sicker!
My lovely friday was spent alternately sleeping, struggling to breathe, fainting, being COLD as fuck, being dizzy, and having dry heaves (because I hadn't eaten in a long ass time)
finally, my mom drug me to the doctor, where I turned blue because the air conditioning made me so cold, and trying to breathe through my throat...damn, you'd think I was an asthmatic! the doctor asked if i was, and I said no.
however, after breathing in this mist stuff from a machine for 15 minutes, he wrote me a prescription for an inhaler and some nausea pills that CAUSE NAUSEA AND VOMITTING
yeah. So, I get home and go to bed until noon saturday. yes, that WAS about 20 hours of sleep. I told you I was sick.
only good thing of friday? I found out I lost about 5 pounds
Saturday was better; I was well enough to go to a party and FINALLY eat. we wound up playing monopoly till 11 pm, anyway.
and then my sunday. funniest day EVER!
my mom and I went to our church (which we haven't been to since March) neither of us likes it much, but we wanted to worship God (just because I sound like some sort of jackass doesn't mean you have to laugh) and see our friends.
which, I was happy to see, my guy-buds (the only ones I have at church) were there.
and, I must say I dressed sexeh today! I got looks from DECENT 20 year old guys! (creepy. scratch the decent and the pride) It must have been the hat; i'll show you a picture of it. (My hat is the sex)
anywho, my friends Ian and Matthew and I were talking and laughing and participating in the usual forms of hooliganism and idiocy only I can intice them to do, what with my femminine foolishness and mild-danger seeking.
yeah. our church is on a real big lot and people take dogs for a walk by it all the time.
so we were out in the grass, me whining about those assholes growing. seriously, Ian is 6'3" and weighs about 20 pounds. Matthew must be about 5'11" now...not so skinny, but I'm only 5'5"!!!!! barely! they told my my high heels raised me to Ian's shoulder, but since I can't walk in them, I'm down to knee height...T.T
well, in my badassness, I got hyper and when this lady, her dog, and husband walked by, I yelled, "I'll get married in the mud, and do it there too!"
and when she looked at me funny, I flipped her off. Then Matthew, who's never as nice to me as Ian is (since Ian and I are practically twins) called me a slut, Ian laughed, and I tried to kill them with my stupid shoes. Wound up with horrible grass stains on my pretty white & black dress. shame.
end of story, I went back into the church with my lovely-combed hair fuzzed up under my sexy hat, and perfectly applied makeup rubbed off all over Ian, Matthew, and the grass, my new pantyhose torn, my new shoes stuffed with leaves because they don't fit, and my dress all stained and dirty.
some new bitch at church looked at me like she knew me and said "you are one filthy girl"
I laughed ever so joivially, and replied, "why, yes, I am just one S&M fetish slut, ain't I?"
then I left before my mom could talk to lil blondie there.
oh, and as to what you cared about, no, I didn't get to drive because of my illnessthank you!
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