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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Saturday, August 6, 2005

I really like this picture ^__^
hrm. well, where to begin?
ok, on Thursday, my mom and I went school supply shopping. You know, for charity. We bought school supplies for the kids in Costa Rica. kyuuul. she bought a box of crayons for hopefully every student. >< yo, that's whack. but sweet.
then, after that (oh, btw, I ate three donuts. I'm such a fat ass) I wanted a book (to be precise, 4. Ranma 1/2, yo!)
we got them, volumes 27-30, with some incredibly sweet moments between what remains my favorite anime couple of all time.
seriously, my tastes have changed, but it still remains that my favorites are Ranma and Akane. They are sooo sweet! they fight all the time, but they do so much for each other, and Akane forgives Ranma so much...if only their family and the other whores (minus Ryoga, Ryoga's a doll, not to mention no threat at all) would go away, Ranma and Akane would hook up so fast. although, then the story would be uninteresting and not have lasted 10 years
anyway, after an interesting encounter with unintentional, almost theft (the guy forgot to ring up a book) I wanted to look at animals in the pet store.
then, of course, we passed Hot Topic, just for a look around, considering I hadn't been there in months.
I had been itching for a nice corset, but of course, Hot Topic is way over priced. And I'd spent all my money on Ranma 1/2 books.
I dropped a hanger when my mom suggested we take advantage of the "spend $150, get 25% off your purchase" deal. I gladly accepted...
We spent more, but hey, I got the equivelant of a pair of pants and a shirt free. these are what I got. Sorry if you don't like the "goth" look, but it suits me...
ok, fuck it, the stupid pictures were low quality and I couldn't find the smexy corset I got. but trust me, I got some nice stuff, and found out my pants size is smaller. wow!
I also got a super cool chain more backpacks, I'm ballin'.
damn those kids.
yeah, I love child support checks, I get spoiled.
and on a final note, I freaked out when I thought my mom threw away my notebook with the first 20 pages of a good story I'm writing in it. Unfortunately, I can only concentrate on Ranma 1/2, but hey! even if I forgot unimportant things like names and plots, there's time for fixing that.
thanks for the support yesterday, you guys are the bestest. You all deserve cookies, nilla wafers, donuts, juice, milk, eggs, and a cuddly new kitten!
thank you!
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