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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
cannot define me by an emoticon, corporate america!

cute pic, eh?
well, let's see, what to say. made it to everyone's site today, who updated at least, and in less than 15 minutes. Rush rush rush!
haaaa, what else?
I just concluded my visits to the psycologist. (oh my gosh, the lyrics just go "I didn't wanna fuck you, I didn't wanna fuck you baby, but you're pretty when you're mine" on Yahoo! Rasputina Fan Radio...NO CENSORSHIP!!!)
hrm. And don't try the Green Tea Frappaccino from Starbucks, unless you like drinks that are sweeter than the whipped cream they're topped with. **shudders and dies**
I got a new cell phone today. It's a flip phone, and oh-so-pretty. -.- brain cancer.
but most importantly: I GOT FURUBA VOLUME 11!!!! yay! ^__^ **cheers and snacks for all**
mew. Do you remember that crazy Full House show? Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen...I remember going to daycare and this girl named Rachel forcing us all to watch it because it was "the best show ever" and I never liked it, but she'd force me to watch it.
ah daycare...innocent, privilage kids, all but me. Rachel and her lil sis April were SOO privilaged and innocent. For real. I remember being like 4 years old and telling her that my parents are not married, and never were, and her arguing that they WERE married, but got divorced. Then, Finally, the daycare lady, Linda, told her "some people never get married but have kids anyway. That's like Julie's parents."
hee hee. I was going to say something, then forgot. oh well. man, who decided I would have a brain...
woah, I'm stupid. at least school starts soon.
well, my dad is in Pensecola, FA because of a business trip. oh yeaaaaah. no weds. trip to his house! I'm such a bitch.
OH YEAH! It's weird how there are kids that turn 21 and can legally drink have probably already had alcohol drink it, while there are kids who turn 21 and have never drank alcohol and still don't. does that make sense? no? oh well.
you know what's really sad? some of the poorest people in America are rich compared to in a lot of countries, like Haiti, or Bangladesh. I'm not comparing pain, but it's like...a comparison of money. but what does it matter when, in the end, kids are starving in virtually every country in the world? depressing. At least we can try to cease it.
oh, and one last thing, I heard that Peter Jennings died. that's pretty sad...i mean, not any sadder than anyone else who died relatively young, but still. sad.
what's your number one dream that you can easily make happen?
(mine is to dye my hair blue)thank you!
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