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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Sunday, September 18, 2005
oh, woe is me

wow! look! it's Ringu bunny!
haha, want to hear something REALLY pathetic? (and quite embarrassing)
laugh if you want, I think it's funny.
i don't know how to...can't say it...Kiss...**struggles not to delete. type type type type type type type type if I type enough i'll get too lazy to delete, and plus it doesn't stand out as much**
yes. isn't that pathetic?! that kid tries to k--word (nothing too sick) meh, and it feels like he's trying to eat me, cuz i just sit there...T.T GIVE ME YOUR SYMPATHY!! or whatever. just not an STD from the cheap hooker down the block.
sorry I haven't been able to get to sites, i've been sort of busy. haha, some bitch stole Antonio's wallet. but when he was talking to his mom (in spanish) I was freaked. i didn't think he could speak spanish that well at all! (it was really rather smexy)
hrm...about this...dilema...i should ask for assistance and seem pathetic. >:(
oh well. what else to say?
oh yeah, about Naruto in English! I've been forgetting.
well, I don't love the english version (in case you didn't know, i used to be OBSESSED with naruto 2 years ago, and bought fansubs of season 1-2, and 2/3 of 3.)
the edits aren't so bad, but i wish there weren't any. still, they're allowed to say "sexy jutsu" and they use a lot of Japanese, so i think that's good.
I really don't like Naruto's voice. It doesn't sound like the real Naruto, though, the seiyuu does try. I think, actually, Shikamaru and Hinata have good voices. Sakura's kind of annoys me, but Ino's is...well, to me, it sounds like MY voice. o.O
Sasuke's is a lot like the japanese one. he sounds mature, but still like a 12 year old. I don't particularly like Kakashi's. he sounds okay, you know, sort of mellow, but his voice is deeper in Japanese.
oh well, it is FAR, FAR better than I would have expected. Just a few peeves, are: PRONOUNCIATION
it's Nah-ru-to. emphasis on NA, not RU. dumbasses. and it's not ge-NIN, it's GE-nin. and Uchiha. you say the ha, not uchi-a.
oh, and since I can do the smexy "l/r" (you know, how r is l and l is r in japanese. to make it, you act like you're going to say 'la' but say 'ra' instead) it bothers me that they make the r's sound so hard and it sounds painfull. gah! stupid freaking English...
I guess I am a jealous person. I get jealous of Antonio's female friends, but at the same time, i have almost all male friends. what's up with that?!
what are the top 3 words/phrases you would use to describe yourself as a friend?thank you!
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