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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Thursday, September 29, 2005
fucking bad day

today was a bad day. Bad day! Bad! **slaps it across the face**
first of all, Antonio called right before school started to see if I could hang out. that's cool until my mom said "No" when I called her and asked her. -.-
then, I get to class, have to rush-rush-rush to get my homework done. (forgot the assignment) at least I know how to do it!
then second hour, the only thing keeping my alive was this girl who's hilarious. (such a boring class)
then math sucked, and physics pissed me off because that girl acted stupid like usual. but hey! at least she talks to me.
the worst part was lunch, I think. well, maybe not the worst but bad. I was at the locker, and since the girl I share a locker with is popular, and the girls next to us are double popular, there were all sorts of people there. Now, I wasn't in a terribly bad mood until the person who's suppossed to be a 'best friend' said a big, happy, super bouncy, friendly, glad-to-see ya "HI (their name here)"
not to me, and I was RIGHT FREAKIN NEXT TO THAT BITCH. she said hi to people she doesn't even LIKE but not to me! only the girl from physics said hi...
so, feeling quite insulted and sad, I left and went to my "solitary confinement" and cried like a moron. fuck.
then, in History, even the most insensitive guys could tell i was unhappy. so, they talked to me and made me laugh a bit. (for my party, Dino is going to dress up as Jesus, and John is going to be our teacher. and it's not a costume party! hahaha!)
then, I talked to that girl just to see if she would speak, and nope! she ran off to talk to some other kid. pissed me off all over again. and I tried to write her a sort of "WTF letter" but it didn't help and i won't give it to her.
Japanese was suckey. I was again ignored.
the only happy surprise was that Antonio was in the car when I got there! yay!
unfortunately, this is the WORST part. my cat, Lain, is NOT fine.
you know that thing in her tummy? it's things. fluid filled cysts. there's a lot of them in pockets.
and, to make matters worse, they weave in and out of each other, and in and out of her LIVER. dammit.
because the cysts do that, she can't have surgery to remove them, and she has to take medicine to keep them from getting bigger. but they probably won't get smaller.
there's a 10 percent chance that the cysts are cancer, and if they are, my poor little kitty is going to die in a couple of months, because there's really nothing that could be done for her.
right now, the cysts are not really affecting her except for squishing her tummy and her intestines. they might make her feel full/throw up later, or cause constipation, but right now, they're not.
still, it really has me worried. my poor, sweet little kitty.
it'll get better, it has to because if it doesn't...there's no fucking point in anything.
stupid karma.thank you!
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