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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Sunday, December 18, 2005
stupid day

lots of bunny pictures to make up for lost ones

hey guys! what's up?
Will gackt or hyde fall for you?
not much here, with me. my mom hasn't been as bitchy, now she's just getting sick. **tear tear** or allergies or something.
anyway, friday basically sucked. i mean it was okay, but i didn't do much, and school got out at freakin what, 11:30 from classes where we didn't do anything. damn.
and today, saturday, it snowed, when i needed it to snow on friday. sigh.
well, I got up, took a shower, was comfy at my mom's house because, of course, my dad just got back from florida today.
Antonio showed up around 11 something, no surprise, although i will admit, i would have rather spent the day with NIGHT. **sigh again**
we got bored, and i was annoyed with him, so I called down to NIGHT's but she wasn't there. i was going to invite her to come to the movies with us, but it couldn't be helped.
even in the freezing cold, we took the BUS to the theater, and we saw King Kong. It was okay; i couldn't complain, really. it was entertaining! funny, sad, sweet, adventurous and violent. It was good! you should see it, if you have 3+ hours.
after the movie we wandered around in the dark and frigid cold as my legs and toes grew progressively more frozen for like an hour. finally, we managed to catch a bus home, where we were for about 45 minutes when my mom came back, tired from work, and took antonio home.
even though i wanted to see NIGHT today, it was nice seeing Antonio. just hopefully, i can hang with NIGHT this winter break where I am home.
so, guys! haha, what's up?
 Wild kitty: You are a wild kitty. No one owns you which is good. You do what ever you want and yet still be cute. You get into a lot of troubel for stelling food. Your and old wise kitty but you still catch humens eyes.
What kind of cat are you? *For girls* With pic brought to you by Quizilla
 Disuke loves you but hes to shy to tell you.
Which D.N.Angel guy will fall in love with you? ~for girls~ brought to you by Quizilla
 Cool you DJ encore. She Is very nice And she makes Her own Song and remix them.
DJ Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 Wow satoshi loves you. he want to be with you always. He never want to see you get hurt he makes sure your alright. I feel sorry for the guy who ever hurts you in any way cuse satoshi will kill him
Would satoshi fall for you *Part One* ~For girls~ brought to you by Quizilla
 your a helping angel.
Angel quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 Your a Half angel. You don't know if you want to be good or bad(sounds like me).
What kind of angel are you~with pic~ brought to you by Quizilla
 You are lost. You don't want to look for you past. You want some one by your side. To tell you I'll be with you till I die. You want to hold a hand to call your own. So you are lost just to find that some one. You'l give everting just to hold and call it your own.
Stigma quizz brought to you by Quizilla
 Your the goddess of life: You give life to humens but they ruine it later on. But when you see a new life in the world it makes you happy to see there might be a good person.
Your mood: Your loveable with children, you can't wait to play with them and them storys. You don't get mad as much as the others. But you do tend to get grumpy.
What kind of goddess are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your the god of war: You fight for whats right in the world. You have a soft spot for seeing people die for no reson. So you give them a chance to live.
Your mood: Your a loud god, you get mad easly as well. When some one gets you mad you stay mad for a very long time.
What god are you brought to you by Quizilla
thank you!
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