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keep portland weird!
Member Since
irresponsible semi-adult
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graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
save the rainforest, of course
music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
i'm good with animals
Friday, September 8, 2006
"misfit0002: i love you more then i love life and love u more then i love hatting ppl"

that was a message from, i feel SO freakin loved...he really loves hating people, after all...
speaking of hated people, my school, most of it anyway, must hate me because i'm the "big voice" of LONGER MATH AND LANGUAGE. they hate that, because they're lazy little morons, incapable of understanding how important that is until its too late. School should be fun, but the point of school is to learn, and it's hard to learn much in 45 minutes time.
it's the 6th graders, all their faults. >.> but i like a lot of them ^__^
actually, i do like a lot of people at my school.
but my mom is always bitching ALL THE FREAKIN time. if something falls on the floor, I "threw it there" or i "go out of my way to mess things up for her" etc. you surely know that drivel.
in case you didn't know this about me, i don't like to run away from things. If i have a problem with someone, I don't just leave, i stay and try to make it better, cos i've never seen things get better when you just leave. of course, everybody i KNOW leaves, but whatever.
but it's getting so bad that i just "can't take this shit anymore" of course i wouldn't kill myself, but i want to cut, i want to run away. I will not, but i just want her to understand how shitty my week has been, how stressed i have been. She blows me off on important stuff then gets mad that "i didn't tell her" but it's the end of the fucking world if i do the same.
anyway. she's just a bitch. She used to be so nice. i don't know what her problem is. but if she doesn't like her situation, she put herself here. she can just leave like she always does.
but on better news, i had my meeting about college with my counselor...I actually think it went really well. I'm going to forego the job hunt and start a scholarship hunt...full throttle. it sucks i'm white middle class, but at least i'm not rich. And i have disgustingly good grades...kind of. there's always that c there making me sad but whatever.
the colleges i'm looking at are, in order of importance to me,
*Portland State University
*University of Colorado, Boulder
*Colorado College
*Reed College
*University at Puget Sound
but like i said, i don't know about out of state, what with that scholarship, and antonio and all...
anywho, i've gotta retake the ACT in october. It sucks, cos I got a really good score, but i chose to retake it because if I do just one point better, or 2 points better, or 4 points better, you get the idea, i will be in the 30's, which is a whole nother ballpark. SCHOLARSHIPS DAMMIT
unless someone sponsers you know any rich, childless couples? **adoption**
anyway, I'm very busy tomorrow, what with the Open House and Press Release of my if i don't get on, please forgive my absence!!!!!thank you!
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