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Monday, September 11, 2006
9-11 Remembered.
Today, if you didn't know, is the 5 year anniversary of the Twin Towers falling, of 3,000 lives lost needlessly, of a heartache felt worldwide, children losing parents, parents losing children, and immense change.
How can people have done something so...evil? Maybe i'm not a good judge. Americans have done a lot of evil things too. But none of it is right. Why can't everyone just accept differences, use words, yes, have anger, but have the will to live and let live?
Pointless questions indeed. Some people just don't understand. They've heard horrible things about a people they don't know much about, after all. It goes both ways. How many Americans have said "All Muslims are terrorists?"
It isn't true. I know for a fact that most Muslims condemn the acts that occurred 5 years ago. They don't see it as a great blow for their religion, they see it as a loss of life. They want what we want: to just live life peacefully, with the freedom to believe what they do openly, and the right to just plain live.
but then there were those stupid extremeist, terrorists. What did they think they were doing? Surely, they hurt Americans, but if it was respect they wanted, they were way off. All they did was subject every follower of their religion to scrutiny, contempt, misunderstanding, hard-looks, and incorrect stereotypes.
I cannot forgive it. Whatever horrible hell they suffer in, they deserve it. God forgives, and it's His place to judge, not mine, but remembering that day, and trying to imagine the incomprehensible terror the innocent people must have suffered, there are no feelings but anger, and hatred. Though, I do feel a little pity for those poor fools, too weak to do anything but kill. Stabbing in the back, no warning, no honor. There is no honor in killing anyone. But it's mostly anger. Overwhelming anger
And, of course, most importantly, the people, the Americans who suffered. Lost their lives on just a normal day. Who lost their loved ones. For those who died, lost amidst the broken disaster that was the World Trade Center, we won't forget. We who loved you, who knew you, who never even met you, we won't forget how you were a little thing lost in tragedy, you WERE the tragedy.
To the survivors, you suffered loss that you can never completely get over, you will always have that clinging in your heart, that longing that things could have been a different way. But you have the strength to move on, to live on, as your deceased would have wanted. Because although they died, maybe without even saying goodbye, they loved you, wanted you to be happy.
I didn't know anyone who died, or even further down the chain, but I have lost people, too, pointlessly, not at such magnitude, but I can sympathize, empathy, whatever the word is.

thank you!
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