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• Sanzo_no_heart
• 1989-10-23
• keep portland weird!
Member Since
• 2004-08-02
• irresponsible semi-adult
Real Name
• Julie
• graduating high school with honors, speak/write/read fair Japanese, travel
Anime Fan Since
• 5th grade~ish
Favorite Anime
• となりのトトロ (Totoro), Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, and Akira.
• save the rainforest, of course
• music, sleeping, reading, writing, drawing, walking, animals
• i'm good with animals
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
understand, dammit
i dunno what that's about dammit. But it's my feelings on math!!!!! >< and just about everything else. I can't freaking WAIT for this year to just END
anyway, here's my thing with Religion. (sorry, I'm really preachy all the time):
I personally believe that God would rather you respect ALL people no matter what they believe, orientation, race, whatever, than go around "exclaiming belief" and then doing something evil in His name.
Religion is NOT~!! God. Religion is a man-made device to satiate man's own selfish desires. People have followed a religion to the ends of the Earth, but mostly because it justified some selfish thing on their part. Being a TRUE Christian/Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/Whatever would involve personal sacrifice for the good of humanity. NOT being some little damn martyr and blowing yourself to bits. Something more like giving up TV forever so you could go to a tiny, starving corner of the globe and try and save one persons's life. No more judging other people, no more hatred, no more gossiping.
I know we're not perfect, nor does God expect us to be, but He expects us to try, I think. And He wants us -needs us- to believe in Him, or at least respect those who do, but He loves us, and He wants us to be happy being GOOD to each other, sincerely.
I, for one, can respect a person who is not religious, but has respect for other people, who genuinely tries to be a good person, more than I can anybody of any religion who hates and hurts, and cannot accept that there are different opinions in this world.
Wouldn't it be easiest if there was just 1 religion, 1 obvious set of guidelines? Things aren't easy for a reason...
...Just don't ask me what that reason is!!!!!! I'm TIRED, mommy. yes, mommy. I had to take senior pictures today and the stupid cow decided she liked zooming in on my stupid crappy face
>:( what a horse thank you!
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