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myOtaku.com: sassygirl0001

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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AnimeCutie453 (02/19/05)

Holy Cow! I almost forgot to sign your GB! Aorry. =3 well I like your site. Nice Colours. Very Soft. Anyhoo I enjoy your site!
Keep in touch!

**Hugs You**


Char Aznable (02/08/05)

Hey, thanks for signing my GB sorry it's so late. Cool site you've got here and cool background. Going to add you as a friend too.

Catch ya later

Inuyashakikyou1 (01/23/05)


SesshTaisho (01/23/05)

Hey thanks for signing my guest book and for adding me as a friend,I'll do thesame for you, and I like your site too aspcialy the avi and bg.~_^

HeartOfSword (01/23/05)

Hey, thanks for signing my GB and I'm sorry I took a while getting back to you. I haven't really been able to get on lately, but I will definitely add you as a friend. You have a really sweet site layout. Ja ne!

RinoaSquall4ever (01/17/05)

hey! i love your site! its awesome. i really like your avatars in your intro.
well i added you as a friend if you don't mind. come to my site if you want. bye!

Aura of Twilight (01/15/05)

Hello like your site the animations on your page are cool c ya

ninasan (01/14/05)

I love your site. Thanks for signing my GB. I go on neopets to. My sn on neopets is xokyoxo, i usually only go on neopets like once a week-unless i'm bored. Well i'm adding you as a friend. Talk to you later!

sailormoongurl23 (01/12/05)

Hey cool site, I love it. sign my GB and adding u as a friend

Neko-san (01/08/05)

Hello, nice site :). I like the background. If you want we can be friends but if not thats cool too. Hay were born in the same year thats cool :). Well I'll talk to you later.

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