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myOtaku.com: sassygirl0001

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Only six days until Christmas, and I'm in my happy place! But enough about that, I wrote a poem for you to enjoy, so hurry up and enjoy it! Comments would be appreciated.

Anna's temporarilly untitled poem:

He and I hid in the bomb shelter in the middle of this senseless war. We could hear our friends dying, and I shuddered in his arms; the shaking wouldn't stop. He took my face in his hands, and he pulled me into a kiss, surprised, I kissed him back. We had never kissed. Then with his hands still holding my face he wispered to me, "I love you," and I couldn't move. He released me and turned to leave, turned to enter the war. "Wait," I cried, and I grabed his arm, he tried to break free, but I would not let go. Our eyes met, and mine were full of tears, and I stammered, "I love you too." We were silent for a moment, but then he said in a hushed and beautiful voice, "Let me go." With tears streaming down my face, I slowly losened my grip, and he gently pulled away. My vision was blurry from tears as I watched him go, as I watched him enter the war. When he was out of sight, I never saw him again, and I have never, never, never stopped crying.

The end

Sad, huh? Don't let it ruin your Christmas. Remember to sign my guest book when you visit! Toodles!!

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