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myOtaku.com: sassygirl0001

Saturday, April 2, 2005

   Sooooooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hi everyone, I just got home. Today was district choir competition, and my school did really well. My freshman year, only one group got a one rating (not me .:~_~:.), my sophomore year, only two people got a one rating (including me! :D), and this year, one group and four people got one ratings (including me and I was in the group too)!! I'm really happy!! I'm going to state with my buds! I sang Green Eyed Dragon and When I Have Sung my Songs. Yay, yay, yay, YAY!! Okay, I'm sure I'm getting obnoxious by now, so I'd better stop. Hope you guys have as great a day as I have!! :D BE HAPPY!!!

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