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myOtaku.com: sassygirl0001

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

   "Anna's Bad Day" written by: Anna
I was irritated during my drive home because something on my CD was keeping the CD player from playing my favorite song. It would play any other song on the CD.

When I pulled up to my house, I got my purse and gym bag, took my keys out of my purse, and opened the trunk to get to my CD player and clean off the CD.

I set my purse and keys down in the trunk. After cleaning the CD, I grabbed my purse and closed the trunk. I realized moments later my keys were now locked in the trunk, and I had already locked my car.

I looked for my spare house key in my purse, but it wasn't there. I rang the doorbell 3 times, but no one answered. I walked around to the garage to see if any cars were there. They weren't; there was nobody home.

I decided to walk to my grandma's to get a house key. Unfortunately, my cat Sugar followed me. it scared me to death because 1) 3 cars went by while I was walking, and Sugar's crippled, 2) she's never been to my grandma's to my knowledge, and 3) my grandma's cat is mean.

I got to her house and got a spare key, but when I went back outside, I couldn't find sugar anywhere! I looked around for her and called for her--almost in tears. I finally found her in the hay barn.

I decided to carry her home so she wouldn't get lost or hurt. She didn't think that was a good idea. She wiggled, whined, cried, twitched, twirled-did EVERYTHING she could to get away.

Finally, not too far from the end of my lane, she whirled around and scratched me in the face--really deep. As I kept walking, I could feel blood run down my face; but I didn't let her go until I reached the end of my lane.

I decided to get the mail while I was down there. I had recently interviewed for a scholarship at my college, so I thought, "Boy, wouldn't it be great to get a letter from college telling me I didn't get the scholarship? That would really top off my lovely day!" To my dismay, they had sent a letter.

I opened it on the way back to the house. I didnt get the scholarship. When I finally unlocked and opened the door to my house, the alarm immediately went off (its a lovely feeling to have your own home yell at you). I punched in the code and screamed at my house. Then I burst into tears and went to my room.

I then caught a glimps of myself in the mirror. I had blood running down the side of my face, mixing with my tears (which were black from my eyeliner), and my hair looked terrible from the wind. i spent the next half-hourish crying, screaming, and crying some more in my room with no one with my cats--one with which I was angry.

...and that was pretty much my day. :(

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