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Monday, April 23, 2007
~*Funnies!! XD *~
Okaysies...so today when i woke up..i suddenly got sick and well....blew chunks...to put it lightly...and im still not feeling well..and there was a track meet todays..oh well XP
Today was very tiring even though im sick..if you'd like to know though i doubt you do but nonetheless pm me and ill tell you >.>
Well i hope your day has been alot better than mine...
1)how's your day been?
2)you like mah funnies?
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
My Bishes

Obviously you knew this was coming first lol

ORI! ^0^
and..i cant think of anymore atm..im kinda in a rush
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The best Anime ever is coming to a close...there are only 50 epi's of Eureka 7...but im buying the manga...so i'll be somewhat happy.... T-T
Besides that my dog chewed up most of my damned colored pencils *flames* ima kill that damn dog one day...he's chewed up 2 pairs of head phones torn apart a bunch of clothes,is very hyper,chewed up most of my pencils,erasers,colored pencils and pens and he also attacks my binder -_-'
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
COOL! tv hog go dead-dead XD
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Thank you dave
Thank you dave for the wonderful shit you've blown me,cant wait for the next shit to be blown at me,while im at it,me and aki shall disrepect the skittle damnit and again thankyou for the shit you've blown me *sarcasm* lol (yes i am laughing at myself) *throws plastic spoons at dave*
Besides that uh....its REALLY hot out...i wanna go swimming...i like swimming..its nice to swim when its hot out...but i like it when its hot out yesh....*grabs watergun and squirts you all* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Friday, April 20, 2007
mwahaha HI
*throws marshmellows* they took away my sharp objects again and i hate marshmellows so ima throw them at you!!! MWAHAHA!! *continues throwing marshmellows* other than that i am extremly bored and uh...i hate marshmellows,and chocolate,and cheeto's,and any pop thats not diet,ihate the color pink, i hate stuck-up snobs,i hate copycats,i hate annoying people,i hate perky ppl like cheerleaders,i hate preps, i hate complaining (only if you complain everyday about something lol),i hate kairi...okaythere is alot more i can say so ill stop now lol
1)name all or most of the things you hate!
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
okay there is this story going on about virginia tech shooting or whatever...and i think its bullshit.....what a dumb selfish dumbass...
anyways i have been taking pictures and texting on my phone non-stop XD
very fun...i have also been texting during class...which isnt all that smart...but oh well...and uh...erm...*trys to think*
..okay well hope you all have a good day ^_^ *hugs*
(i didnt make this up my friend posted it,but he didnt make it either)
[]Make out with me
[]Hug me
[]Date me
[]Kill me
[]Love me
[]Hate me
[]Hold me
[]Lie to me
[]Hurt me
[]Sing with me
[]Dance with me
[]Grind with me
[]Touch me
[]Lick me
[]Bite me
[]Cuddle with me:
[]Let me make a move on you
[]Make a move on me
[]Play with me
[]Watch a movie with me
[]Get me a B-day gift:
[]Caress me
[]Let me borrow your car
[]Let me see you naked
[]Be there for me
[]Buy me a drink
[]Take a shower with me
[]Bring me around your friends
[]Give me a massage
[]Take me to the club
[]Go to sleep with me
[]Do me
[]Drink kool-aid with me
[]Look if i was naked
[]Take advantage of me
[]Let me take advantage of u
[]Hangout with me
[]Take care of me if I wasn't feeling good
[]Hold hands with me
[]Do something incredibly sweet for me
[]Give me a lap dance
[]Tell me you love me
[]Let me call you
[]Will you repost this so i can do the same for u?
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
sorry due to mah laziness i dont feel like going and commenting on your sites...sorry you may hit me ^_^
Cellular Devices really are awesome...i took a piccy of watermelon on my phone the other night and today after school my friend kai got kicked where the 'sun dont shine' and he was yelling and everything, so i took a piccy of that and sent it to him XD
not to mention all of the stupid and pointless piccy's i've taken with it lol ^^
Well i hope the rest of your day goes well *hugs* ^_^
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
okay the rason i wasnt on the other day is cause i had a track meet and didnt get back till like 7 or somethin like that,then when i get in the car momo hands me a cell phone and is all like 'its yours' so i have been messin wit my new celly XD
it takes piccys and unlimited txt/piccy txting and stuff like thats..so thats what i been doing ^0^
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

MCR! ^0^

her song 'My Revenge on the World' is awesome XD
 my fave quote from Hawthrone Heights
 Hawthrone Heights XD
 naruto got HOT XD
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