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Sunday, April 15, 2007
im rather bored atm..i mean i could do homework.. *pokes you* mwahaha fear my evil-ness....your..not fearing me evilness -.- *pokes repeatedly*
Anyways, last night i fell asleep right before bleach and all of that started, so i'd appriciate it if someone who knows what epi # Bleach,Blood +,and Eureuka 7 are on...that'd be great ^_^ *continues poking*
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
well...im watching Saw 3 and its got so much blood and gore and stuff, which on a normal basis,i can handle..but this is so GRAPHIC
I freak out at when i see my own blood..because i know its real...but on movies where its not real,im all about it.......but the blood looks so real...and it...grosses me out..i REALLY dont feel good now....like...im gonna pass out...
>.< i've got a weak stomache....i guess you could say...
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What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
 You are a Ninja. You are like a samurai gone bad. The good side is no longer interesting you and feel that darkness is where you belong. Though you may think you are the evil one, you're not. Because deep inside there is still that little glimpse of who you once were. You don't like to associate with people that much and keep away. In your mind they are ignorant and not so interesting anyway. That means you are a lonley person who don't trust people, and you have really no desire to do so either. Life is a big pain and annoyance for you and you aren't quite sure on how to handle it. Other people see you as mysterious and secretive, and that is probably right.
Main weapon: Daggers and throwing stars Quote:"I hate people. People make me pro-nuclear" -Margaret Smith Facial expression: Frown Take this quiz!

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yays i already gots 70 gb signings now
Well..i got my blood taken TODAY instead of yesterday...i about kicked the nurse...you see...i am TERRIFIED of needles o.o
and after that we went out to breakfast with my grandparents...oh..aki spent the night and was here for all of this...and there was this huge stuffed penguin...omg it was so cute...oh and beck...gaia isnt working for me so thats why i havnt been on it XP
So all day,well since i got back,me and aki have been playing Guitar Hero...me being the one who is victorious...yays..
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Friday, April 13, 2007
okay..first thing first
i gotsa get my blood taken to make sure everythings okay,and if it isnt well meds for that!
Scissors in kitchen arnt all that sharp and neither is the knife i got my hands on,now damnit i want my scissors and ima bout ready to search the whole damned house for them -.-
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
even though ive been into this whole lockdown thingy and stuff and i've been told not to and everything i am gonna continue cutting....its just a bad bad thing that i do when i get stressed or upset...which is often...anyways my dad has been reported to child protection services or something like that and i now have a councilor, tommarow i hafta go to the doctors to get some meds to calm me down,like to make me less anxoius and jumpy,and to try and make it so i dont cry and get teary eyed everytime i get yelled at...so that should be good
and im SSSOOOOOOOO sorry if i dont get to any of your sites! im currently trying to do my best on a take home math test i've got, and i SUCK at math,so im trying my best to get a good grade, so sorry if i dont get to any of your sites!
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
okay first thing first...yesterday was the most comments ever not the day before yesterday, yesterday was lol thanks guys! ^_^
Well okay on with the post
My teacher Mrs.Hunt reported me to the office that i cut myself,so they had a councilor type lady come in and talk to me and stuff so they decidided that i am a serious risk to myself,and i am indeed suicidal..so i almost got put into a hospital in toledo bc i am suicidal....if my momo had the insurance i WOULD be there right now...i've been put into a lock-down type thing and im not allowed to be in a room with a door,unless the door is open,and they've gotta put all sharp objects up,and meds too....well...anyways i think when i was cutting myself i hit a nerve bc my hand keeps tingling when i move it a little and it feels a little numb...oh well anyways...ill see if i cant get to any of your sites and stuff..so...uh yeah...see ya's
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
okay yesterday was the most gb signings i've ever had thank you bunchies...now for the bad news
My boyfriend and i, are over....
He has moved on to another girl so to speak...
Or rather he cheated on me,i didnt know, and he decided to break up with me today...after telling me that he cheated...at least he had the decency to do that.....so i may be...touchy.....
anyways i got my contest entry into yoko...so she has that...again thanks for the comments my friends,i really do appriciate it,it lets me know that you guys actually somewhat read this ^_^
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Monday, April 9, 2007
a few words of MY wisdom,which isnt very much
Guitar Hero is hard on hard, easy on easy.
Cookies are Nummy (okay not all of them,bc when you think about it i dont really like sweets and junkfood)
DIET Pop is good for you
Water is too
Being Weird is okay
and the most important of all
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i have 61 bg signings....which is cool...aki's coming over in..like 3 hours....meaning i prolly should go back to bed...seeing as it is 5:58am..oh well..someone pm me i guess
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