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Monday, March 26, 2007
well..if there is anything to say about track today..it was...[no comment]
well lets see.....hhmm...i am uh bored
Well my uh...outcasts? calling you guys that dont feel right...how about...mah...penguinoids XD
no that wont do...but it'll work for now -.-
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kk...at school again and i really dont wanna get caught so i just came by to say....
OMG HI! *glomps* school makes me lonely...
and btw Riku & yoko are awesome-ness XD
and....my dog chewed up my ipod headphones so i gotta spend my money to buy new ones...BUT the ones i want are squishy o_o *twitching* I MUST HAVE THEM!! well...XP bored....someone....pm me...
Riku: O_o
me:riku!!! >0< *glomps*
well gotta go ill post lateh mah friends...i need something to call you all!
1)what should i call you guys? like uh..minions...dollfaces...dudes...ppl...weirdo's..
ill have you guys choose so i dont get owned,pwned or any various mix of the two O_o
p.s- i have track...so...uh...yeah....i will not die on you all considering im in long distance...anyways see ya! ^o^
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
cartoon network shall die i say,DIE!
ggrrr they made me mad!! *creates angry mob outside the cartoon network building* THEY CUT THE LAST PART OF NARUTO OFF! you got that? they got RID of it,welll rather they SCREWED IT UP!! >0< *attacks people inside of cn building and walks away like nothing happened*
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Okay.....So i had to babysit Gaara,Orochimaru,and Fai...so here is how it went! (we were over at aki's XP)
Fai:*sparkles* does anyone want cookies,muffins,cake anything!?
Gaara:Mr.Baker *tugs fai's shirt* can i have a cookie?
Me:.....*sipping diet coke*
Oro: *walks into room* Hiya guys!
Me:ITS ORO!!! *glomps oro*
Riku:uh guys...i thought gaara wasnt supposed to have cookies....
Me:just let him...nobody's here to stop him from eating them
Fai: *zips out to kitchen and starts making cookies*
Oro:i want cookies!! >0<
Gaara:o_o *hides behind teddy bear* its snakeman! he scare me!
Riku: Gaara....Oro wont hurt you
Me:yeah if he does not only will i feel bad,but Beck will kill me...
Gaara: *clinging to teddy bear*
Fai: uh...i got cookies? *passes out cookies*
Me: what kind of cookies are theese O_o
Fai: chocolate chip why?
Gaara: cookies!! >0< *eating cookies*
Riku: yay!!! ^o^
Oro:*licking cookies* o.o
Me:ohhh..now i remember why they arnt supposed to have cookies....
Gaara: i am...THE SAND MAN!!!!!!! *runs out of room and comes back in spandex with a cape covering his gourd thingy* HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!! >0<
Oro:then that makes me...SNAKE MAN!! *pretends to fly*
Fai:......whats wrong with them?
Me:....they had cookies....
Riku:...no fair they get to have allllll the fun T-T
Me: *sighs* if you want to act hyper go ahead but it seems that they beat you too it -_-
Gaara&Oro: *running around pretending to be airplanes* ZZOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!
Riku:*puts black robe on* RRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fai:......*leaves room*
Gaara: :o Look at sasu lady!!! we must zoom to the rescue!
Oro:no worries!!! *runs over to me and hugs me* Sasu Lady all better now! ^.^
Me:....no wonder they arnt allowed to have cookies o_o
Riku:*runs over and pushes oro over* MY SASU LADY! *hugs me*
Me:THEY ARE SCARING ME!! *clinging to riku*
Beck: OKAY GUYS IM BACK!! *stares* uh....whats going on?
Fai:*walks back in* BECK!!! *runs over to beck* made COOKIES!!!
Beck:that explains....alot O_o
Oro&Gaara:BECK!!! >0<*glomps beck*
Beck: 0.0 okay....home..now
Fai,Gaara,&Oro: okay! ^.^ *go home with beck*
Me:whew..*passes out*
1)is total chaos normal for you?
2)whats your fave movie?
3)uhhmm....oh i know!would you rather use pencils or pens!? and whyyy?
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
omg yay!
50 gb signings!!!!!
*dances around*
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im sorry i didnt post yet again yesterday, and my reasoning is,my brother had a bday party and we had company so i wasnt allowed to,but when they left my mom took us to the mall and me and my mom got our ears pierced...again...y'know the upper part of your ear where all that cartilidge is? well we got that pierced,only mine is at like the top,not completly but its to the top and the side...and mom said if i pay for it i can get my nose pierced too..:P
anyways ima stop ranting on about that lol
ok, so you all know how i want guitar hero?
We went into the game store and they had the guitar hero demo thingy and i was like "i gotta play that o_o"
there was a fat kid i know playing it -.- that may sound mean but really she's a bitch...soo...yeah.... o_o
Well...Thats about all ^.^
1)do you have anything pierced? (ears,nose,ect)
2)do you like sandals?
3)are you excited bc tonight is anime night? ^^
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
i am sorry!
I AM SO SORRY!! >0< i didnt get to any of your sites the other day *waits to be attacked*
The reason i didnt was bc i was soooooo tired from track,I just recently switched to long distance instead of high jumps and i had to run 3 and a half miles i was tired sorry!! you have the right to hit me *sits and waits to be attacked*
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Tell me which riku's you like and dont like!! ^o^

o_o hot!

i can dream...right? hehe

riku o_o
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okay im starting my own little 'Gutair Hero Fund' my entire existence as we know it depends on me playing that game o_o
Anyways lol,track was awesome...but high jumps are alot harder then they look...but i'll get the hang of them soon ^_^
spring break is 1 week and 4 days away..im gonna keep track of it....if you havnt noticed i've changed my theme....if you havnt thenn....well...BLINDO!! O_o
anyways thats about all..and i repeat...i must play Guitar Hero.....so yoko....aki donate to my savings fund! coughordiecough *sparkles* ^_^
1)what's the best game you've ever played?
2)do you paint your nails? if you do,what color?
3) *brainfarts* ^.^'
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Monday, March 19, 2007
i are sowwwwieee
i sowiie i dont have the time to look at most of your sites today, so feel free to hit me,kick me or whatever floats your boat...but i shall say...i finally got a wallcharger for my ipod..track was tiring...and i have found a game that i decided i NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD to play......i shall cease to exist if i dont...it is Guitar Hero!!! XD
soorry dont have the time to ask questions! >0<
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