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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Omw guys
Im gonna stop cutting
He amazes me,he's my friend Sammi's step-brother
I really REALLY like him
But he's in North Dakota right now,untill October 12th
And he's 2-3 years older than me
But he's the sweetest guy i've ever met,he absolutly sweeps me off my feet.
&& his pic is WAAAAAAY stolen by people,who are jealous of him 
But i cant blame them D:
He might go out with me..I hope he does =.=
Because he makes me happy..and im not on my compy atm,so i dont have the thingy for the links so thats why pics arent in links..but this is me in his sweatshirt,its huge on me. It goes down a little bit higher than my knee's:: 
And im like..so happy just thinking about him roflmfao
I've been thinking & talking about him for 4 days straight {{& counting}} i even forgot about the new HIM cd coming out on the 18th..wow.
But im scared,that he will take back his ex-gf,who dumped him,while he was unknowingly in the hospital,&& called him fake. Im SO scared that he will,thinking about it makes me wanna cry,And i've never felt this scared,ever. I swear my hearts beating 90 freakin hours a damn minute
Sammi is convinced im in love with him :D
1}How are you?
2}Skylar is on my cellphone too o. o
3}Uhm..Ask me something?
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
You'll have to excuse me for not being on..
1}School started
2}i havent felt..like it i guess
I've been feeling really sad..more than usual =.=
Worst part is,is that i've got severe depression,and i've got no antidepressants..nothing =.=
And i've started cutting back up again,i've been doing it for around 2-3 weeks again now,but not as often as i used too.. now im starting back up again ==; And its not noticible..because of my wristband that i wear everyday..ack..now i sound pathetic,i'll just shut it now x. x
So anyways how are you guys?
I hope you all are doing good.
I dont have much to post really,i've got to get my brother to get his clothes around for laundry and whatnot,then make sure he's got his homework done,ect. So,i shall be going and commenting =. =
1} Hi..i think
2}I've got french bread..
3} i dunno what else to say =.=
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Saturday, September 8, 2007
..my gum..i..its..chewwwwwwy D:
Soo..I got my hair done..its aweeeeesomeeeeee XD
I love the odd looks that i get,i litterally laugh my ass off XD
Im ecstatic
My mom bought me a HIM backpack XXXD
It was origanally 32$ but it was on sale so it was brought down to 15.98$ BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT
So i hadta answer a question about HIM and Finland. It was obvious..but..i had a blonde moment --' Where did HIM start? {{Capital of Finland}} Helsinki D:< I said valilla,which is where Ville was born {{Lead singer}} Which for some reason,my mom knew and because of her i gotsa poster XD
But now she's takin it too far,she's making me answer stupid stuff; 'Who loves their mommy' 'Who's got the best mommy in the world?'
Even out in public -hangs head in shame-
Buut..as far as that goes..i dunno.
Anyways,how are you guys? {{did i already ask that?...wait..no i didnt x. x }}
I hope you guys are doing good.
I went over to aki's last night
It was..how shall i put this..eventful?
Yes..that shall be the term that is used for..such things...
I did Aki's hair.. XD
Other than that..not much..
1}How are you?..again?
2}...-runs around- i be te pink thing D:
3}toe itchy
4}The damn mosquitoes here are freakin vicious.
Seriously. They are bitin the fuzz outa everybody here. D:<<
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Blargelstick... O_ o
Im begining to wonder how i come up with these random titles..
Anyways i are getting my hair done today..it are gonna be fun XD My brother is getting blue..
I was gonna get this really bright owange {{yes owange}} but then i saw the pink..color and i hadta do it. I was talking to my mom and next summer we might even consider dying it ALL that color XD
So my mom invited her friends over & they brought a Ouija board {{pronounced: Weejee XD }}
And Kahli brought me into my room with it and started talking to me. From what she told me i have the 'Gift' and everything that i see at night and whatnot is real..according to her. And from what i understand,she has the mind of a medium and whatnot..So,Considering the fact that i see a cloaked figure with a skeletal hand that has decaying flesh clinging to it,piercing red eyes,a weapon thingy,AND the room always feels like its dropped 10 or 15 degrees isnt y'know..normal.{{& this is at night too}} And he's always either following me or in my room. o_ O The only time i really ever notice is in my room. I always get the feeling that he wants me to go with him. I almost always do but i thought he wasnt real..now im not sure WHAT to think..If absolutly everything that i see is real,the shadows,ghosts & spirits and whatnot..thats really gonna change my outlook on everything o_ o
Not only that but i see what happens before it actually...y'know happens,but im not going into anymore detail about that cause now i sound nutty and whatnot O_ o But as from what she said,when shes next to me she said she feels weak..i dont understand it =3=
And im a fag stick and just now noticed that Koolaid-chan had tagged meh.. =3=
1}I loooooove poptarts,but my brother always eats them for everymeal so they last about a day and i get pissed when i find they are gone x. x
2}My fave curse word lately has been Fuck..i say it alot XD
3}When i get bored i take random pics of me with my cell phone,which almost always get deleated
4}I have a bad habit of not taking my shoes off after putting them on. Its not that i cant or anything i just like having them on for some odd reason.
5}i lick the flavoring off of any chip i have before i actually eat it..bad habit my mom hates it XD
6}I have been attacked by mosquitoes,my legs,feet,hands,neck & fingers are all being attacked..but this is the first time my neck has been bitten that i can think of.
7}I talk to myself more than i talk to the people at school
8}I like to wear my black jacket as a cape for some odd reason..its rather fun and i make sounds when i do it {{like 'Whoosh' or whatnot }}
I always get a kick outa it and my mom think im nuts for doing it XD
Well thats all i can think of for the moment..
Ummmmmm..i tag..nobody :D cause i cant think of anybody to tag =3='
Well thats it,sorry its a bit long.
Take care!
Comments (4) |
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Eek chocolate bubblegum!
Yes..its rather yummy xD
So how are you my friends?
I are bored D:
Its boring..and school starts soon and ive got no clothes or supplies...i hate it when mom puts it off to the last minute D:
Omw Tuesday...Im getting pink streaks in my hair..it sounds fun actually.
Okies here comes the sad part
Riku died =[ So did all of his brothers and sisters from that litter. The other kittens live though,so im possibly getting Davey. Whom i am very fond of x. x
But they think that the kittens from that litter had a heart defect or something like that.
Hmm..anything else...Oh! Thanks to Yoko i am going to have art on here! Which im a little scared,and estatic about. Im scared of the horribly rude criticism that people give,and what you guys will think of it. Im estatic about the fact that i shall finally have some art on here besides my stupid mspaint crap X3 But remember:: Some of it was done quite a while ago so yes,it may look different or really suck ass..
Anyways thats it really.
1}So,how are you?
2}Me are gonna have pink in mah hair!!! :D
Its pink,purple,& red all together but in my hair it looks hot pink X3
3}Yoko if choo are reading this how be davey?
If your not yoko.. -glomps- XD
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
We are Durem!! D:< {[..yes that was necessary]}
So..as you probably noticed {{If your a Gaian}} Im caught up in the summer festival.. we must win {insert evil laugh here} But some people are taking it too far and trashtalking others and whatnot..i understand wanting to win but please,people actually have feelings y'know?
Anyways im supposed to be getting my hair cut today..i wantsa get it short..
ANNND this is the BEST part! :D
I might be getting a kitty named RIKU!!!!! :DDD
I want em ill even pay for him {{food and whatnot}} O_ o Normally i'd never even consider that XD
Oh and they also delayed school till the 10th..which makes me mad. Now we hafta stay later into the summer because one of our middle schools got flooded. If you ask me they should relocate for the time being,instead of holding us all back. Its not really fair if you ask me
And Adam said if i get a 4.0 gpa even 1 of the grading periods,he'll take me to a HIM concert o__o meaning i will,indeed work my ass off :D
Anyways,nothing else to say that i can think off,so i shall go and comment on you my friends :D
Questions! And random stuff!! D:<<
1}How are chuu?
2}I wanna put a song on my ipod but it wont lemme O_ o
My awesomes friend Ekedo tagged meh!! XD {{yeah..i just now noticed --''' }}
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.
1}} Im getting Pink streaks in my hair..Well at least they look pink,in my hair,but they are red,purple,and a little pink.
2}}I get yelled at for listening to my ipod,because i ask questions that my mom already asked and whatnot,but i didnt hear em :D
3}}Im a cookie addict,but if you ask me i will deny it :D
4}} When nobody but me is home i blast the music and do stupid stuff..which i will mind your sanity and not say :D {{nothing gross though XD }}
5}} I hate all non-diet pop..so i say,but then there was mountain dew x. x
6}} Another thing,i probably wont openly admit but shall tell you now for future reference,emo boys = the smex XD
7}} I want to dye my hair hot pink,not any streaks and whatnot,i mean i want it tottally hot pink :D
8}} I lurves the flowers,especially roses. I've got a dried one in my room its so perty :D I like the thorns best..i think O_ o
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Friday, August 24, 2007
So,how is everyone?
.....Sooo i just got a call from..Manpower O_ o
Anyways,i think my mom is taking me clothes shopping tommarow or so,i wanna see if Aki can come that way we can do some stuffs..And i think my grandmother is coming to pick me up again x. x
16 things to do at a store,to be exact
1. Get 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's carts when
they aren't looking.-so much fun!(EDIT) and if you really wanna mess with them scratch off the barcode they will have to ask a price check on comdoms over the intercom
2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute
3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.
4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone,
" 'Code 3' in housewares".... and see what happens.
5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers
you'll invite them in if they'll bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask,
"Why can't you people just leave me alone?"
9. Look right into the security camera; & use it as a mirror, and pick
your nose. {My Edit:: MUCH more fun while your glaring at it or something like that,dont crack up laughing though xD }
10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he
knows where the anti - depressants are.
11. Dart around the store suspiciously loudly humming the "Mission
Impossible" theme.
12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using
different size funnels.
13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through,
say "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"
14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal
position and scream..
"NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!!"
15. Go into a fitting room and shut the door and wait a while; and then
yell, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here!
16. Get several bouncy balls and throw them down an aisle shouting "go,
pikachu, go!"
...yeaaah..... that would be rather fun..
And I might be getting a HIM cd!! From this dude named Adam,he's bringing his 360 over here today too and we are going to rent 2 games,1 for me and 1 for my brother. I wanna rent either Halo or Halo 2. See,Halo is alot longer and harder,but you cant duel wield,and you dont get as many Banshee's and whatnot. And Halo 2 is ALOT easier and ALOT shorter..But then again im just gonna wait untill we get there to decide though.
1} How are you?
2} Im reallly tired!
3} Did i get to your site yesterday? {im working on the today thing}
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Grarwr....O. o
Okay..so its been thunderstorming constantly and whatnot {i just wokeup please excuse any typo's} and now its flooding downtown..or rather it has been..i think its stoppjing for now..i hope so.
Well so anyways..ima see if i cant get my mom to get me a HIM tanktop...from...{eeeewww there was just a bug on me DX } Thier website! But knowing mom that'll be a no TT-TT and we are going school clothes shopping this weekend..maybe. My mom is quitting her main job,and getting another one. Because she hates it. I dont think its the best move financially because you dont get money till 90 days after you work there..or something like that. School aint 90 days away anymore x.x Oh well,what ever makes her happy i suppose.
Speaking of which,Aki is back! XD And i hope her dad doesnt get the job -.-. that means her moving to -dramatic pause- Wisconsin!!!!!! D:
But..if it's for her family,and it'd be better for them..than i can not argue.
I woke up last night at around 4:00am,and i fell asleep around 1:00am, to watch Stevens Untitled Rock Show {On fuse!} Because it had HIM on it..my mom thought i was nuts x. x maybe i am...never thought about it really..oh well
Not anything else for the moment
Im off to comment..or whatever z_____Z
No questions,i cant eve type right atm x.x
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Omw sooooo sorry!
I am soooo Soorrrrryy i didnt update or anything,Myo was acting up,plus Naruto Hundo,and i was forced to go to my cousins and spend the night -_-
So anyways,i finally found my ipod,it was gone for too long {about...what 3-4 days?} -huggles ipod- of course my brother stole it,like he did with my cell phone. He does it because he thinks i have everything and he has nothing. Only reason for my cell phone is because i am busy during school year and whatnot,and i got ipod because of mom's tax returns,whereas he got his DS at the same time. So i really dont see his problem,but he is indeed,the way he is -shrugs-
But anyways,school fastly approaches o_o whats good about it is,is that there is a backpack at the mall i want. It's got heartagrams all over it!! Now i explain: Heartagrams origanally belonged to the band HIM,but the lead singer,Villie Valo ¢¾ ,is good friends with Bam Margera {or however you spell it damnit!} so they both decided to share the insignia. So dont go all 'OOOO ITS BAMS!' cause i know damn well its not -.o {yeah im pretty psycho lately done worry}

-points- heartagram!!!!! but yeah anyways its black and has red heartagrams covering it. I just hope my mom will let me get it,and if so it's still there.
Anyways,not much else really.
{Edit: Btw,changing theme. I'm working on getting my own music..so it may take a while or whatever..but i will have it soon}
1}how are you?
2}im hungie
3}well its pretty pointless sitting here saying im hungry,when dinner is done isnt it? P:
4}When im listening to my ipod,if i can hear you over it,thats when you KNOW you'r too loud... and i dont like that especially when its up all the way {liiiike normal --' }
5}Naruto is on tv,i demand more Orochimaru,Lee,Kiba and Neji!!!!!! O_o
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Evaporate,tall person!
Well..i havent had anything to update about really..school starts in about 2 weeks..that means i've gotta go back to the hell hole they call a learning facility x.x i REALLY dont want to go back,the people there treat me like i havent got any feelings and whatnot. But hopefully i'll get school clothes this year..
Well anyways,thank you guys for the 12 comments! Thats the most i've ever gotten! -hugs- ^^
Well i'll get to your guy's sites after my brother wakes up..cause if i wake him up with my 'loud typing' im dead x.x
IMA FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my nose is pretty big too xD but for somereason i like this picture O_ o
1}how are you?
2}why are the poptarts always gone? T-T
3}um..i want orange juice P: {no pulp ftw}
4}do you want orange juice?
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