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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
World of soft pillows and thriving poptarts
Once again i was denied sleep..*runs to corner and cries*
but on the brightside,Gaia has started working for me xD i cant wait to start annoying people on the forums o.o
i was supposed to go swimming last night,but it was raining T_T soooo..i think we are going tonight instead,but we will see..yes we shall o.o
Man i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllly want a poptart right now x.x
1}how are you?
2}*throws confetti*
3}do you have a gaia?
4}*walks over to corner and sleeps* z_Z
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
beware of the living corpses,zombies,and aliens o_o
Okay..so..for the past 5 days i havnt been able to sleep..at all..agghhh..it sucks..*stares at pillow* why oh why pillow... z_X
I have been in a pokemon mood for some reason..weird..lets see..um..im going swimming today,if its not raining by then but i doubt it will be..um..went down and met the neighbors yesterday..Laura was really nice,although she kept asking weither i wanted a pop or pizza or a place to sit down,because i was very quiet..as usual x.x and then her daughter or whatever Morgan,my brother has a crush on her which is so annoying he's always like 'Shes sooo amazing' *sparkle sparkle heart*
1}how are you?
2}i wanna dye my hair like..hot pink,blue,purple or black..that'd be cool xD
3} *yawns*
4}*falls asleep with head on your shoulder* z_Z
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Monday, July 16, 2007
The cookie from above that was gunky like your mom o.o
Axel: *seductive tone* Hey Roxas
Roxas: Yeah?
Axel: I was born to love youu
Roxas: O_O..
Axel: I was born to lick your face..
Axel: I was born to rub youu.....but you were born to rub me first.
Roxas: .... *smack*
...{that had to be said...}
Anyways first MYANIMEWORLD149ISBACK!!!! WWWWWWEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! *throws party for beck*
anyways,moving on im thinking about eating the last poptart before my brother wakes up... i want it x.< its so poptarty..anyways again,moving on. I havnt changed my theme yet XD i meant it when i said it was indeed,staying...i mean c'mon its riku for cryin out loud *stares at site* *¬* {sorry kinda hyper i had pop right after my poptart and that makes me hyper sometimes}
And i havnt been able to sleep for the past 4 days..ive been up all night trying to sleep...ahh im becoming an insomniac again o,o
Anyways..my grandfather stopped by yesterday with my birtday present {about..20 days too late but still} and it had 22 bucks..im debating on weither or not im gonna go to hottopic and get a shirt or two,or get a HIM cd and poster.. cause i can put the cd on my ipod so whats the point in the cd? Hmmm..im still thinking about it..i will be all day untill i actually go lol..
Well thats it =]
1}poptart o.o
2} *yawns* im tired z-z
3}welcome back myanimeworld149 a.k.a Beck o,o
4}*falls asleep on floor*
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Why oh why must they do what i say that they arent supposed to but they do it anyway without my saying so so they do it and i do it right?
Okay...i wasnt gonna but again i changed my theme and this time its DEFINATELY staying xD It drove me absolutly nuts not having a Riku theme because i loves him too much =] {man im so pathetic lol} Last nights Naruto was cool xD When Aki was over we straightened my hair and pulled it back like Tsunade's so i looked like a young Tsunade with her current hairstyle..only prettier and a bit more..goth-ish lol,and Aki went from Ten-Ten to Neji to Tsunade to Mika and on and on..she couldnt make up her mind lol so now i am Namine AND Tsunade XD Namine first..of course x] {thats why i support the Namine/Riku pairing,because i look alot like Namine XD} So i was on DeviantArt and ive found that there are not alot of Riku pics that i havnt faved XD {yes i browse the riku category every day whats your point -.- } So anyways how are you all? I hope that you guys are okay. I myself,and cold and rather tired. Need to listen to my ipod just to stay awake and i do not know how much that will actually help.. P:
1}Soooo...gonna enter? Its been going on for quite a while -_-'
2}*falls asleep on you* Z-z
3}Whats your obsession?
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
The royal soap from the land of the butter bowls
Hiya How are you guys?
This is gonna be a short post,because Aki is over atm..
So anyways,Tonight is anime night..yesh! Cant wait for the anime to start xD
How is my new theme so far? I hope its okay..its alot of red..but i like it..ive seen alot of red cars today..but..thats kinda random..

1}how are you?
2}anything new?
3}bird flu ahahaha
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Friday, July 13, 2007
The Magical Snowman from the land of the Jojoba handcream
How are you my awesome friends? Im fine i guess P: I was bored last night and looked up 'Stick Figures' on photobucket..sooo..i decided i would share x]

Thoose are just some of the stuff i found,there is alot of funny stuff that i found xD
Hmm..other than that not much really...i will prolly be changing my theme again relativly soon..but other than that..i think thats it..
1}i had 2 33.8 FL OZ bottles of water...and im gonna refill the bottle up and drink it again ._.
2}um..good {insert name here} *patts you on head* ^_^
3} *hugs* ^_^
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
The bird and the Worm
Sorry bout my post earlier ^_^'
Well..um..i dunno what to say..so..really short post lol
1}how are you
3}nah im just kiddin x]
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My first victim..
I am absolutly furious right now,im gonna kill my brother,and my mother --
The Story: My brother found out i was cutting at my side,instead of my wrist and took it upon himself to tell my mother. My mother decided it would be best to yell at me,seeing as i cant handle yelling,and either 1}Have a panic attack,2}Bottle it up inside of myself and try not to show my emotions or 3}listen to alot of music {ipod}. So..she also took my cell phone but gave it back to me,but only because shes at work. she is also going to be checking my side periodically..so i decided i would bottle up my emotions and listen to music..like..I fucking hate you,by Godsmack {they are so expressive hee}
Although i listen to that all the time P: It just makes me feel better i guess
So other than my stupid,annoying,selfish complaining,how are you all? Hopefully better than i am. Still excited about the new Harry Potter book and movie...cant wait..well not much in the mood to talk really..sorry guys
1}im sorry im selfish complainy idiot >.x
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Charlie Bone and the Ranch of Doom
So the 'devil children' were pretty good. I have to admit,i do love them. They are carefree,funloving,and just living life to the fullest extent that they can. But i do feel bad for them. Thier father does marijuanna,and is either trying to take custody,or trying to see them more {i think im not really sure} but i know he does drugs,and it really is affecting these children. They downright hate thier father,hate going over there,they just plain as day,hate it =/
But on a lighter note my friend Shred Helped me out with my site and whatnot *big hugs* she's awesome XD
Um..oh yeah Harry Potter! Im excited as fuzz dudes,so so so very excited *bounces up and down in seat* *¬* *falls over* x.x
1}Do you know japanese,if you do are in fluent in it?
2}Do you like ranch?
3}Sorry,still working on my site so its kinda..dysfunctional i guess O.o
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Is this your sister's sixth zither, sir?
Okay..so..i may not get to all of your sites today because my mom has jury duty in toledo..which takes a while to get to,and i will be away at my moms friends house...with the devil children *dies*
Well my brother keeps taking his emerald game back,then giving it back to meh.he's weird 0_o
Oh..i made a pic of namine in mspaint..i still suck at mspaint..but frankly i think i improved a liiiiittttttlllleeeeee bit..
And most importantly,HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!! XD im so excited about the new book. I have it reserved,but im hoping its big enough to last me more than 3 days,which non of her books actually have. I find it rather agitating.I say,make the books at least 800 pages long..then i will be somewhat satisfied..but not really lol x]
and um..thats about it
Oh and for thoose of you wondering there it is x] *moves your head down* hehe ^^'
1}Bwaha now i have told thee
2}demon children o.o
3}harry potter! x]
4}i need more pop *falls over*
5}ima show you somethin but dont look if your a prude personally i find it mildly hilareous,and disturbing..heh..
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