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Saturday, June 2, 2007
Alas my dear friend Lady of Fire has turned aganst me
I think that she plans to take my Riku away!A war may be fought if she doesnt back off! but you are still my awesome friend x]
{she has not really turned aganst me as far as i know lol ^_^'}

Sexy sexy sexy THATS DAMN SEXY!!! ^_____________^ <3
Well anyways how are you all?
I went to aki's house last night
it was weird P:
as usual
 *glomps riku* XD
 This is Marilyn Manson,this dude makes some wicked music..seriously dudes you should listen to some of this shit that he makes its fucking awesome but some of the language is...kinda...dirty with cussing and stuff so be careful about when you listen to it if there is alot of people in the room who would dissaprove of it then that would not be smart obviously
1)Lady of Fire,why must thee atempt to taketh my Riku?
2)You are not angry with me are thee?
3)haha i said thee and taketh XD
4)how are ya??
5)Riku is the most damned sexy thing on the face of this planet that is in my possession...seriously you should see the yaoi i have of him XD it even made Aki drool...and thats kinda hard to do...XD
Comments (7) |
Friday, June 1, 2007
theese shoes are 300 fucking dollars
okay first thing first
ohmahgawshkaiwasholdingmyhandtoday X3
other than that onto more important stuff (like what!? hahah >.> my lifes so boring boring at times haha)
Well im on the last set of songs for guitar hero 2....YES! Whoot!

thats about it for the day haha ^_^
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Thursday, May 31, 2007
I apologize for not posting the other day it seems that i have been lazy about it but i really couldnt help it yesterday the power went out and didnt come back on till 6 sumthin and then i was playing guitar hero and FINALLY beat psychobilly freakout...WHOOT!
haha well anyways for thoose of you who have not the faintest idea of who Criss Angel is
 haha thats just him with his long hair..with his short hair he is gorgeous x] he has a show called Mindfreak and he also has some albums out they are AWESOME lol i reccommend him P:
Oh i also have a myspace..so if you have one add me P:
http://www.myspace.com/cassybaker thats me..right there..but i have no pics up of me...i would put one up if i had a scanner...but i dont...i wonder if my bf has a myspace P: oh the many wonders of the cruel and annoying world
One more week left of school...we are supposed to go swimming on the last day of school but i am NOT getting in no bathing suit and go swimming in front of them peoples that i know...as low as my self-esteem is (which is VERY VERY VVVVEEEEEEERRRRRYYYYYYy low its like little to none >->)i would soon rather kill myself than do that..which is true..oh well
I do hope that you guys have a nice day
1)so now...criss angel?
3)i can not wait till next friday ._0
4)ya'l get your butts over to AkiFukachi's site and sign her gb!!!! DO IT NOW AND MARCH PLEASE! ^______^
5)*sighs* homework..
6)how are you and how has your day been?
Comments (3) |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Okay random title..but
X ai koneko 05/24/07
X AkiFukachi 05/28/07
X ani-hay 05/28/07
X Animaniac6131 05/29/07
X Anime Maniac360 04/18/07
X animegirly2 05/22/07
X annie B. 05/29/07
X AshiteruRiku 05/13/07
X B A N K A I 6 0 05/21/07
X BlackDaze 05/25/07
X Crazy angel 05/28/07
X Dark angel 0000 05/23/07
X death alchemist03 05/19/07
X Ekedo 05/28/07
X Elena The Turk 05/28/07
X EmikoMai 05/28/07
X Emmah 05/28/07
X female outlaw 05/20/07
X GothicNarutoFan 05/21/07
X Greedsdoll 05/05/07
X Hijuda 05/13/07
X Hinata Karayetsu 05/26/07
X hisakata chan~ 05/23/07
X honey bear 12121 04/19/07
X Iceburg.the.wolf 05/13/07
X Iruka Sensei 05/29/07
X jeriah sensai 05/29/07
X joshanime 04/07/07
X joshanime2 05/29/07
X Kaida987 N/A
X kakashi fan girl 05/28/07
X kc38 05/17/07
X KikyoluvzInuyasha 05/29/07
X kingdomheartsbabe 05/29/07
X Kiyomee 05/28/06
X Konomiya 05/28/07
X Koolaid-chan 05/28/07
X Lady of Fire 05/17/07
X LesbianGirl 05/12/07
X LilDreamer101 05/23/07
X Littleinugirl 04/07/07
X madkittin7294 03/26/07
X Mahoro Ando-Chan 05/29/07
X maiden of ice 05/28/07
X master hiko 05/28/07
X masterkoga 05/26/07
X meepy sheepy 05/02/07
X Mew HolliBerrii 05/27/07
X My Deadly Wound 05/29/07
X myanimeworld149 05/29/07
X mysterious rei 05/29/07
X NaNa-chou 05/29/07
X Naughty-Dog-Girl 05/27/07
X nejis fan girl 05/24/07
X orochimaruswife 05/29/07
X Posion Fangs 05/28/07
X Raiku4843 05/27/07
X RikuisHOT 05/29/07
X Road Kamelot 05/29/07
X RSRKingdomStars 05/28/07
X sango87 05/29/07
X SasukeFan32 05/28/07
X schmoof37 05/24/07
X sefaa3 05/20/07
X sentochihiro 04/15/07
X Sexi Juggalette 05/21/07
X Shineska 05/29/07
X Shireishou 05/26/07
X shred 05/29/07
X Siaras Kaiba 05/25/07
X SirenaMalirose 05/29/07
X snowycloud 05/20/07
X starfiredragon 05/28/07
X The Dark Hero 05/29/07
X The SasuNaru FC 05/13/07
X ThisxBlackxHeart 05/27/07
X urcat 05/21/07
X uriel.2323 05/25/07
X windrygurl 05/28/07
X wolf37841 05/25/07
X Yakunan 04/11/07
Please visit my friends if you can! ^_^
Well today was boring...nothing to post really..cept i been listening to alot of music...and MY DOG CHEWED UP MY DAMNED HEADPHONES AGAIN! grrrrrrrrrrr
1)how are you?
3)hows your day been?
4)criss angel *drool* ^_^
5)Marilyn Manson! >0<
Comments (6) |
Monday, May 28, 2007
today ish kinda interesting
Okay so today i had to march in the memorial parade for band..that was actually pretty fun and i wouldnt mind doing it again..but the best part was that i got to talk to Kai before the parade X3 i almost ran over and hugged him haha...im so pathetic i know -_-'
Well after the parade i went with Aki to Portage and its kinda like a beach type thing and there were fish there they were all kinds of big ass huge!! We were there for at least 3 hours and we were swimming most of the time and as we call it we brought our 'Floating Appartus' with us (its a noodle thing) and the water was FREEZING when you first got in,it was really deep as well. I got freaked out when i saw a huge ass fish come at me and follow me it seriously scared the hell out of me..and we had SO much fun we were floating on neon colored rafts. i had a yellow one that i named Joe and later renamed it Kai lol figures i know >.> while Aki had the pink one that she named Bob.
We also played a dumb game thing where we were 'sacrificing' each other to the water haha it was fun
Then after we were back from portage we went to Aki's house where we went outside on the front porch and i was playing air guitar hero haha.. x]
{And i have sunburn owies it hurts so bad}
Well sorry that this post is long!
1)How was your day?
2)did you do anything interesting?
3)Kai...? Kai ^_^ <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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Sunday, May 27, 2007

shes adorable ^_^
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Guys i am SO sorry i didnt update the bottom half of my desk fell off (the part that holds up the keyboard) and we had to get it fixed >.<'

Please accept my apology and feel free to attack me or whatever it is that you feel you need to do in order to make yourself feels better
Well anyways me and my mom were talking today and for my birthday on june 28 we are getting my nose pierced! hahaha XD and as soon as my hair is straight again we are dying it black,and my grandma is taking me on a huge hot topic shopping spree for my birthday...thats so awesome XD
1)do you hate me?
2)are you upset with me?
3)is the pic i put up okay?
5)*glomps you* fwiend? =^3^=
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Now my friend hisakata chan~ has got me saying it all the time! Kai
Ohkays..well im not gonna post much due to the fact that i have an essay to work on and science homework... T^T
1)how are you!?
2)i like water!
3)Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai Kai
Kai Kai KKKKKKKAAAAAAAAIIII!!!!!!!!!!! >0< ahaha! that was fun! XD
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Im sorry i wasnt on yesterday,i had a gladhappy party (a league aganst drugs) and omg ^///^ the dude that i like put his arm around me and he knows i like him so..we are going out but bot really...if that makes sense ^________^' but its still awesome! ahaha he was talking to me at marching band practice and kept asking to take a picture of me,and since i think im ugly and stuff i said no,but im gonna let him see my phone tommarow and find a pic of me that he likes..out of the little amount of pics that i do have of myself..hah ^_^' if you havnt noticed i dont think well of myself...i think im ugly and fat and stupid..my friends usually hit me whenever i say that ._______.' haha but Kai (the dude i like,yeah i know he has a weird name lol) keeps telling me im pretty,and im NOT fat,and im really smart ^///^
aha so anyways changing the topic
I will get to all of your sites if i can,i know i havnt been on alot lately i have had ALOT of homework....the teachers decided its time to attack us with homework since its about 10-11 days left of school..or somethin like that -_-'
Well i hope you all are having a good day!!
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Monday, May 21, 2007
I wanted to start off by thanking everyone of you who take the time to come stop by my site and comment! ^_^
 *glomps you* ^_^ so again,Thank you!
Anyways today was weird..my friend Sammy asked me out... O.o i felt weird when i turned her down...oh well but the good thing is is that i asked out the dude i like...ahh im so nervous because he could turn me down! .____.
Oh well lol im not going to go on and on about that
If you still want to be in my anime just pm me and tell me the name,age,fave color,likes and dislikes. It doesnt have to be a long list of likes and dislikes. Just a few and i'll add on from that ^_^
1)How are you?
2)How's your day been?
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