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myOtaku.com: sasu naru

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ok....heres something... i am taking care of gaara for beck...FOR THE MOMENT... i have Riku, a Gaara clone, Demyx and Ed ^-^ (i may let jooz borrow...some of them....)
Gaara: BECKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU!! o_o
Me:its o-k gaara, beck will be back *pats gaara on the back*
Demyx: yeah gaara, ill make you you'r own little water blob if it'll help ^.^
Riku: i could...go get you...sand...?
Gaara clone: i could...just..sit here...?
Me: not helping mah gaara clone....dang...i gotta find a name for you -.-
Demyx: *runs around gaara in circles* DO YOU WANT A WATER BLOB?? ^-^
Ed:..........*hits demyx over the head and knocks him out* I can make a replica of beck...outa stone...or something....
Gaara:....ok...i tink im done complaining...
Me:ok gaara,nobody's gonna do anythin with...out....what are you doing?
Gaara:*starts nuzzling a teddybear* i wanted mr.teddy *gets all stary-eyed*
Me: thats right... you go all little kid without beck...right?
Gaara: LOOK! theres Short boy,Silver haired boy,Sasu lady, Water boy, Me lookalike boy and....ME BOY!!! ^-^
Ed: I AM NOT SHORT BOY! *flames*
Gaara: O_O DONT HURT ME!!!!!! *hides behind riku*
Me: ED! dont scare him!
Ed: sorry >.>
Riku: it is ok Gaara,*gives gaara his teddy bear*
Gaaraclone:me boy! *runs up and hugs gaara*
Demyx: ^-^ water.. XD I AM WATERBOY! HEAR ME ROARRRRRRR *foams water*
Me: O_o o...k...then...
Gaara: I want my bankie...silver haired boy..can you gib me mah bankie?
Riku: ^.^ *gives gaara his blanket*
Gaara: thank you silver haired boy..hey Sasu Lady, can you read me a story?
Me: uh....sure?
Ed: story....time?
Demyx: yay!! what story Gaara,what story do you want her to read!??
Gaara:hhmm....The Little Sand Boy That Could ^0^
Riku,Demyx,Gaara,GaaraClone&Ed: *all lay down on the floor,laying on pillows and covering themselves up with blanket*
~~~~1 & 1/2 hours later~~~~
Me: *whispering* they are all asleep!! ^-^
Beck: IM BACK GAARA!! ^0^
Me: *runs over and covers becks mouth and whispers* SHUSH! they are all asleep o_o took forever......dont wake them up!
beck: then can i go sleep by him? i is tired *nearly falls asleep standing up*
me: knock yourself out....*falls asleep on the couch*
beck: ^.^ *lays down and falls asleep beside gaara*
1)what color is your hair?
2)what anime/manga char you look most like?
3)ask me a question =3

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