~* Mah Funnies or Whatevers *~

*nosebleeds,drools and falls over dead* MINE! x]
Okaysies as you may have read im overly happy and i have been tagged AGAIN....gggrrr....what am i supposed to tell you guys everything about me? *death glares aki*
I've been tagged (again) by AkiFukachi
Which pretty much means you have to say 6 facts about yourself and then tag another 6 ppl. Tagged:
death alchemist03
maiden of ice
1)i have more piccys of my dog on my cell phone then i have of riku.... *hits head against wall repeatedly*
2)i like spicy,mexican food like taco's.....yummy yummy yummy! x]
3)if you didnt know i have an odd and weird fascionation with dead people and blood...even though im squimish..and im NOT fascinated with them in the nasty way where you'd be like all over the dead body kissing it and what not..thats so fucking nasty -_-
4)i dont like eating and only eat when i hafta...my mom and one of my friends say i should prolly eat more than i do...but like..im not anorexic or anything..i just dont eat more than i hafta..to tell you the truth i drink water and pop more than i eat O_o
5)i think most cars (y'know the ones that use gas) are useless enviorment killers....i'd much rather walk or ride a bike than go and use a car unless im sick or i hafta go more than 5-7 miles...yeah...weird eh?
6)i hate being in large groups of people...even if i know the people or they are my friends...if the group is over 5 people i like...'clam up' as aki says..or i just shut up and dont talk at all...like...less than i normally do..which normally isnt much XP
Sorry if this post was kinda long i sorry!