I apologize for not posting the other day it seems that i have been lazy about it but i really couldnt help it yesterday the power went out and didnt come back on till 6 sumthin and then i was playing guitar hero and FINALLY beat psychobilly freakout...WHOOT!
haha well anyways for thoose of you who have not the faintest idea of who Criss Angel is

haha thats just him with his long hair..with his short hair he is gorgeous x] he has a show called Mindfreak and he also has some albums out they are AWESOME lol i reccommend him P:
Oh i also have a myspace..so if you have one add me P:
http://www.myspace.com/cassybaker thats me..right there..but i have no pics up of me...i would put one up if i had a scanner...but i dont...i wonder if my bf has a myspace P: oh the many wonders of the cruel and annoying world
One more week left of school...we are supposed to go swimming on the last day of school but i am NOT getting in no bathing suit and go swimming in front of them peoples that i know...as low as my self-esteem is (which is VERY VERY VVVVEEEEEEERRRRRYYYYYYy low its like little to none >->)i would soon rather kill myself than do that..which is true..oh well
I do hope that you guys have a nice day
1)so now...criss angel?
3)i can not wait till next friday ._0
4)ya'l get your butts over to AkiFukachi's site and sign her gb!!!! DO IT NOW AND MARCH PLEASE! ^______^
5)*sighs* homework..
6)how are you and how has your day been?