Alas my dear friend Lady of Fire has turned aganst me
I think that she plans to take my Riku away!A war may be fought if she doesnt back off! but you are still my awesome friend x]
{she has not really turned aganst me as far as i know lol ^_^'}

Sexy sexy sexy THATS DAMN SEXY!!! ^_____________^ <3
Well anyways how are you all?
I went to aki's house last night
it was weird P:
as usual

*glomps riku* XD

This is Marilyn Manson,this dude makes some wicked music..seriously dudes you should listen to some of this shit that he makes its fucking awesome but some of the language is...kinda...dirty with cussing and stuff so be careful about when you listen to it if there is alot of people in the room who would dissaprove of it then that would not be smart obviously
1)Lady of Fire,why must thee atempt to taketh my Riku?
2)You are not angry with me are thee?
3)haha i said thee and taketh XD
4)how are ya??
5)Riku is the most damned sexy thing on the face of this planet that is in my possession...seriously you should see the yaoi i have of him XD it even made Aki drool...and thats kinda hard to do...XD