Sorry i didnt post yesterday,Aki came over and i wasnt home most of the day....So...I apologize...
Anyways i've been dressing goth lately..and i really like it...Im going to continue doing it x]
I also found out where all the HIM concerts are...there was one in ohio 2 months ago TTT-TTT
And my grandma bought me a H.I.M cd yesterday..which is awesome XD but what is not awesome is she had surgery today..oh all went well x]

._. Ville Valo!! <3<3 XDD Sorry..I've rather fallen in love with him and his band...HIM...XDD
Riku: *flames* WHATEVER
me:._. *glomps riku*
Hehe...Anyways how are you all? Im bored..ive been cooped up inside for the past few days *-*
I went to Hot Topic the other day and saw the new Marilyn Manson cd..I listened to it...For anybody that wants to buy it im telling you..its awesome x]
Haha okay im done being random...ish.....
1}How are you?
2}I am the clown with the tear away face
3}Im emoth....? According to Aki i am O.o
4} *glomps* Hehe x]