my mom wont let me wear chains damnit all -.- *kicks mom* i will rebel anyways and wear them x] {hopefully i will have more soon :x} and knowing that it will drive her nuts makes it even more tempting XD i will have to go to the mall with some of my friends soon..i know hot topic has some more chains..x]
shes been agitated with me because ive been listening to my ipod full blast..but its been marilyn manson,him,and alot of heavy metal stuffs.. {oh btw i will be changing my theme periodically lol --'}
Im going to be getting my hair cut shorter..i find its too long and it annoys me..and damn its still curly..i got a perm last year..from my dad.. *shoots dad* oh well good thing we have got a straighter i guess

haha i want my hair to look like it will someday x]
I was on myspace last night messing around with how it looks and whatnot..i like the way it looks now..its all black and white with roses on it and stuff..i guess you'd have ta see it lol
um..not much else i think..feel free to pm me or whatever x]
1}Im a teen distortion,Survived abortion
A rebel from the waist down
2}ipod x]
3}im still pale even though i went to florida..just more tan than i would like..i like being pale skin toned,even though ive earned the title of albino --'
4}*pokes* *hugs* im glad im back x]