Okay..so..i may not get to all of your sites today because my mom has jury duty in toledo..which takes a while to get to,and i will be away at my moms friends house...with the devil children *dies*
Well my brother keeps taking his emerald game back,then giving it back to meh.he's weird 0_o
Oh..i made a pic of namine in mspaint..i still suck at mspaint..but frankly i think i improved a liiiiittttttlllleeeeee bit..
And most importantly,HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!! XD im so excited about the new book. I have it reserved,but im hoping its big enough to last me more than 3 days,which non of her books actually have. I find it rather agitating.I say,make the books at least 800 pages long..then i will be somewhat satisfied..but not really lol x]
and um..thats about it
Oh and for thoose of you wondering there it is x] *moves your head down* hehe ^^'
1}Bwaha now i have told thee
2}demon children o.o
3}harry potter! x]
4}i need more pop *falls over*
5}ima show you somethin but dont look if your a prude personally i find it mildly hilareous,and disturbing..heh..