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This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/31/07:
Result Posted on 07/15/07:
What Do the Kingdom Hearts Characters Think of You? (Girls only)
 Your Boyfriend - RIKU!Your best friend - KAIRI!-WHAT THEY THINK-Sora: Is always challenging you."I'll beat her some day."Riku: Loves you!"She's perfect. She helped me out of the darkness. I love her."Kairi: Is your best friend. There are no secrets between you two."We tell each other EVERYTHING. She's going to help set me up with Sora."Selphie: Is so happy that you are with Riku."I'm so glad Riku is with someone as great as her."Wakka: Likes you a lot but wont say anything for fear of Riku."If only she wasnt with Riku..."Titus: Thinks you might soften Riku so he can beat him."I might actually beat Riku thanks to her!"Leon: Likes that you're determined."She's got a strong will. She'll need that with Heartless running around."Cid: You're his favorite customer!"Great kid. Keeps Yuffie from trying to take anything."Yuffie: Is a little scared of you."She's too calm, too quiet, and she always tells Cid when I'm about to steal something."Aerith: Doesn't really know you."She seemed nice."Cloud: Thinks you're a good challenge."She makes the Olympus Games more interesting."Maleficent: She doesn't like that you helped Riku out of the darkness."I'll get that brat."Ansem: Is planning to steal you from Riku (Oh No!)"She will be mine."Sepheroth: You fought him once and almost beat him."I can't believe that she almost beat me..."I hope you liked it! Please rate! Thanks! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
what do the kingdom hearts characters think of u?(Girls only but if u want guys can come too...i guess...)
 HEY LOOK WHO U GOT! this is what people think of u:Sora: she is fun to hang out with and she is a really good friend. she came along with me to look for riku and kairi.Riku: She is the best thing that has happened to me! she is calm and not annoying and i really enjoy her company. but i do wish that kairi would leave us alone, god its like she stalks me or something *shivers*Roxas: i s she the one that helpled sora save the world? Me: yes roxas she is. Roxas: oh then in that case, from a regular person standing point; she is cool, from an orginization standing point; she keeps messing up our plans!Pence: she is pretty cool for helping sora find his friends and save the world.Kairi: she isnt a threat to me and my SOWA POOKY WOOKY, but she is just too... i dont know... like riku...Axel: hmmmm, do i know her? she seems familiar...others: Namine: doesnt know youthe orginization: think that u should stop ruining their plansDisney heoes: like u and your calmnessDisney villains: dont like you at all.everyone else: seems to like youthanks for taking my quiz!have a nice day! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
*giggles evily* i love you too Riku
Who is your kingdom hearts BF [what do they think of you] (cute pics included!!)
 Riku is ur BF. You are in the darkness and will never let you get to the light (Me: ha now i get sora :P) sora: hates you for being on the dark sideThe organization: thinks ur hot but ur rikusnamine:hates uRoxas: hates uThe king: thinks you would have made a great keyblade weilderDonald and Goofy: thinks ur downright evil. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
yay! not only do they hate and fear me riku loves me!
Kingdom hearts \wat do the characters think of you?\Lengthy results
 Sora: Hates you and you're his worst enemy because your with the darknessDonald: Thinks your pure evil/ darknessGoofy: thinks your pure evil/ darkness.Leon: Hates youYuffie: hates youAeirth: afraid of you because ur too evilKairi: doesn't know youRoxas: Hates youNamine: doesn't know youOrganization: is afraid of you because your too evil for your own goodRiku: Loves you because you're evil and a heartless!!King Mickey: You deffinatly need to be stopped before you kill someone because you're too evil for your own good Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
..... ^///^
Which Kingdom Hearts Guy would you Fall for?(pics, reason why he likes you, and everyones' opinions)
 Your Man: RikuYou are a quiet, gentle person who's very romantic and supportive, yet shy. You and Riku share a certain understanding for the love of darkness, but when he wallows in his guilt you can pull him back up. Sora: "So Riku finally found someone? Good for him!" Kairi: "I know Riku and Sora used to fight over me, so I'm glad he found another girl." Namine: "They're good for each other. Riku didn't need someone to survive before, but now he does." Donald and Goofy both think you're a little strange, but that makes you perfect for Riku. The Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee welcomes you to the club. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
Result Posted on 07/15/07:
Result Posted on 07/15/07:
bwaha you knew it didnt ya
Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? (MY style!)
 You're Riku. In a movie called Village of DDR (look it up on youtube, he has proclaimed himself a Jedi Master. And well...I think he & Mana are funny looking couple, lmao! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/15/07:
riku's girl ^_^ <333333333
what the kingdom hearts charecters think of you (girls only)
 Sora: Your cool but your Riku's girl... :(Axel: Your not bad. (Scowling)Kairi: You stole Riku from me...Riku: Your my girl, LETS FIGHT THE DARKNESS TOGETHER!!!King Mickey: Lets go fight the DARKNESS with Riku!Goofy: Gawrs, you sure are a nice person!Donald: (Scowel) Take this quiz!
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